Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Some as I said earlier on the comment Justin made on the Anne Frank museum guest book, some media people had taken the comment to another whole level that was unnessesary.

The Dutch journalist Robert Chesal said on Radio 5 live today, March 16 that:
There are probably millions of beliebers Googling Anne Frank now and that's a good thing. I confess to feeling furious when I suspect darker motives for championing an issue. Nobody likes to be used, but there is nothing to suggest that this is the case here. In Bieber's case, he simply doesn't need to create press opportunities. He is already a globally recognised 19-year-old.  
Although his words on the Anne Frank House guestbook can undeniably be described as self-centred, they do remind us all that Anne was just 15 when she died in Bergen Belsen. So the fact that the most famously free teenager in the world visited the attic space of the most famously hidden teenager contains an added poignancy.   
At the end of the day, Bieber's slip highlights the issue of remembrance to an audience who need to learn about it. I imagine that Anne would have approved.

I agree with him completely except the part that the comment was self-centered, I still don´t see it, but that little "scandal" has got more than 40 million people reading about Anne Frank, which the critics should see as the good thing out of all this and give up the self-centered comment they are giving.
I believe that any other celebrity would have written the same thing and not gotten judged for it but since it´s Justin, they have to pull somethng more out of it. And you know what, we Beliebers would have been honoured if she would have been a Belieber.

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