Saturday, April 27, 2013


Justin posted this on twitter sometime ago which got beliebers saying yes and giving promises to always be there, including me, because it´s true.

Will you always be there?

Later on, he posted a shirtless pic of him and Selena cuddling on instagram. OMB!! looking hot!
@justin bieber: "you have been making music too long babe coem and cuddle - her"
He took to twitter writing:

I trust u.

I see what he did there! I think he knew what was going to happen, he and Selena knew they were going to get back together and so in advance, he asked his Beliebers if they were always going to be there for him. Some beliebers were going to get pissed off seeing Jelena back together after what Selena had been saying after their break-up. he posted this pic some time ago too.

Was Justin testing us? Well, that I don´t know. All I know is that I am and will be here for him nomatter what.

As Long As Justin Is Happy, beliebers should be happy for him. We are one big family and our connection as Justin once said, is too strong to be broken nomatter the circumstances. Jelena being back together doesn´t pose a problem for me, I actually love it, Selena is good for Justin, she has her flaws but so does everyone else. So please stop making their reunion a big deal, and the drama everyday too.

And the pic was taken some time ago because if you look and Justin´s hand, he doesn´t have the tiger tattoo because he got it later on. I think this pic was taken in Denmark, but am not sure.

#mybeliebers by Justin and #myjustin by beliebers are trending right now. So if you feel like it, go and trend it.

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