I have been working on chapter 13 of the lucky belieber and it´s now up if you want to have something to read, doesn´t matter if you are bored or not, just if you have time on your hands.
For those who don´t know what it´s about, well the name tells you abit. It´s a belieber who got to meet Justin Bieber in the most extraordinary was, find out how and what happened next. Share the story with your friends if you like it.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Yes, live in Vienna was Justin, rocking the stage!
First off, we start with the INTRO!
"Beauty and a Beat".
"Be Alright and Fall"
Later on was the meet and greet:
Miss Universe Canada Sahar Biniaz thinks Justin a douche and a diva too. She told TMZ that justin blew her off:
I asked him, "Hej am miss Canada- you want a pic?" and he´s like "No. Not right now."
So am think to myself right now, what if, but any chance she made the story up and she has never even met Justin. What if she was just kidding? But if I was in her shoes and that happened to me, I would be upset, crushed, I mean, it´s Justin Bieber and to me that is a big deal and he blow me off. But then come to think of it, just because Justin said not now doesn´t mean he was disrespectful or rude, that he didn´t want a pic with her or anything of that sort.
It just depends on how you take those words and pronounce them. It might have been in a kind way coz he was in a hurry or he pretty much didn´t have time to stop and take a pic. He is a busy dude you know! Now that, I would try to understand.
I dont know why people are still on Justin about his wearing overalls to meet the prime minister, as a matter of fact, and he said this on Ellen.
Justin was at an event with his fans when the prime came to where he was and so Justin had no time to go and change. He had to receive the award in the clothes he had on. and the flags and everything at the background, the prime minister´s team carried those to the event and staged everthng so that it looked like they were in an official place. That was Justin´s zone, not the prime ministers and so he had to make the changes in the surrounding that got everybody talking about Justin being a bad rude boy.
That was not cool at all!! Justin wouldn´t be that disrespectful to such an important person like the prime minister of his country!
22 year old Jourdan Dunn, one of the Victorian Secret models has revealed that Justin said she had nice boobs while flirting with her. She was talking on Saturday Night show when she said that Justin approached her and after she accidentaly showed her boobs at him during rehearsals.
She said:

During my Rehearsals, my seagment was VS pink with Justin Bieber. During the rehearsals, Justin and his dancers we there and for some reason, I don´t know why, I decided to wear a top that was low cut and no bra.
So I go down, do my thing, do my pose and then come off and everyone was like "oh my God Jourdan, everybpdy saw your boob."
So after the show, we was chilling with Justin and he was kinda flirting with me,"You have nice tits because you flashed at me and my dancers, made our day".
I felt a bit awkward because he´s this little boy. He was 18 but I was old enough to be his older sister, is kind of weird.
I laughed at it beacuse he was just 18 at the time and I was like "Why not, flirting with the models, do your thing"
I have to say, yes, that was kinda embarrasing, sorry for that, stuff happen that we have no control about but adding the statement that Justin could be her younger brother just makes stuff even more uncomfortable. But they were both doing their thing right.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
The uncoverer of dirt, TMZ has found pics of what seem to be Lil Twist, one of Justin´s buddies throwing a party at Justin´s mansion while Justin was away on the European league of the Believe Tour.

TMZ confirms that there were a lot of girls and some boys that were invited, not forgetting the hard and soft alcohol that were on the table. Marjuana was not missing at that party either.
This i bet is the same thing the neighbour was talking about, that someone was throwing loud parties at justin´s house and it was Lil Twist.
What the hell is wrong with this dude. Justin should for sure part ways with Lil Twist, I honestly believe that he is a bad influence. I have said this so many time and am going to say it again, Justin needs to be careful to whom he lends his stuff to and the kind of friends he has, I mean, everyone, needs crazy friends that do whatever they like and don´t give a ....about what other peple think but in my opinion, I think Lil Twist is kinda taking advantage of Justin but it seems to me Justin either doesnt care or he´s cool with it.
All people will hear is that it has something to do with Justin and that it´s Justin´s fault, not that it was his friend that was responsible for all that!!

TMZ confirms that there were a lot of girls and some boys that were invited, not forgetting the hard and soft alcohol that were on the table. Marjuana was not missing at that party either.
This i bet is the same thing the neighbour was talking about, that someone was throwing loud parties at justin´s house and it was Lil Twist.
What the hell is wrong with this dude. Justin should for sure part ways with Lil Twist, I honestly believe that he is a bad influence. I have said this so many time and am going to say it again, Justin needs to be careful to whom he lends his stuff to and the kind of friends he has, I mean, everyone, needs crazy friends that do whatever they like and don´t give a ....about what other peple think but in my opinion, I think Lil Twist is kinda taking advantage of Justin but it seems to me Justin either doesnt care or he´s cool with it.
am not really a big fan of animals coz of bad experiences when i was little but I think this is adorable! Justin loves animals and you can tell! But I wonder if a lucky belieber is going to get Mandy this time or if Justin is going to keep her/him.

kicking it with og!
he´s like a human
That was Justin leaving hishoytel in Vienna Austria but he stopped to take some pics with fans and beliebers who were waiting outside. It looks loke it was a really large crowd. Am proud of every singel Belieber and fans who was there for Justin, showing Love and support, as well as screaming at the top of their voices.
Love to all my fans out there. That was crazy! Post the pics so I can see them. Get ready for the show #vienna #BELIEVEtour.
My Beliebers in Vienna, I love you.

Am so jealous of those fans that gpt to take a pic with him. But am alos happy for them, atleast one of their wishes, which is to see Justin and take a pic just came true.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Justin in Murich, Germany doing what he knows best, Entertaining beliebers and fans.

As I say, Beliebers and fans always know, and he should be aware of that! We are here for him, Period!!
Meet and greet:

#Sodamnproud of him for all the hard work his is putting even through his hard times.
"out of town girl"
"Beauty & A Beat"
As I say, Beliebers and fans always know, and he should be aware of that! We are here for him, Period!!
Meet and greet:
Justin arrived in Vienna Austria today, March 29 and was welcomed by loving fans as he entered his hotel. He will be performing tomorrow, March 30 at the Wiener Standhalle Arena.
Have a blast!!
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@justinbieber: morning hair |
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@justinbieber: Night I love you....... and btw just cuz I´m not smiling doesn´t mean that am not happy ;) |
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Justin with some fans in NYC |
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@scouterbraun: Sidenote........This happened!! @justinbieber @allisonjamiekaye and thats how we roll! #crazies haha |
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Justin´s Rep has finally spoken out about the battery charges against Justin by one of his neighbours. The witness who was apparently at the scene said:
I saw Justin spit at the man(the neighbour)
Justin´s Rep came out to say:Justin didn´t spit on the man´s face.
This thing has me all confused, I mean, first, the eye witness said that the neighbour was not mad beacause of the parties, but beacuse of Justin´s noisy ferrari. The witness went on further to say that the neighbour who had charged Justin for battery was mad at Justin for driving his ferrari at high speeds on the streets and causing deafening noise, then it turned out that the same neighbour went to Justin´s house to claim that there had been loud parties taking place at his house while he was gone and that was when Justin spit on his face.
In Carlifornia, spitting on someone or even unwanted touching can be charged as a petty crime.
This eye witness should come straight on what his story really is coz it doesn´t make sense to me right now and if he has nothing better to do , he had better no be trashing Justin´s name for no good reason.
Am not saying at all that Justin is innocent in this matter, I was not there at the scene of the incident, if he did something wrong, it only sounds fair that justice is served, but not if there is no evidence against him and some eye witness can´t even get his story right. I wonder, why was he the only witness, I mean, come on, with such an argument, people might have turned up. This dude seems to be everywhere.
The sherrif is still investigating.
Justin´s van was spotted outide Selena Gomez´s house. According to E!, Justin was at her place around 15:30/3:30 in the afternoon yesterday March 27 on his way to teh LA airport. After spending some hours at Selena´s house, Justin left and so did Selena a bit later on, both seperately so as not to arouse suspicion. It has been said that Justin might have forgotten his passport at Selena´s house.
Is Jelena back together or what is happening people? Maybe they are just friends hanging out, but didn´t Selena say she didn´t want anything to do with Justin?
Well , I guess the Bieber Fever is too strong and there is no cure.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Gretzky.......The Great One!
But still on the Polish matter, this are some of the pics from the meet and greet.
I would like to think that this is a confirmation that there will be a music video on the new hit song "That Power" Will.i.am ft. Justin Bieber.
The video for #thatPOWER with me and .@justinbieber is going to be so fresh...We are taking it to the next level...
I so excited. can´t wait to see it. Am really really looking forward to it.
I was kinda confused at the beginning. Like, what was happening? I mean, what is all this am hearing about Justin being investigated for battery after getting into a argument with one of his neighbours in Calabasas, Carlifornia in L.A. When did he even fly there? I thought he was on the Believe tour in Europe. In Polen as a matter of fact.This is crazy!
So according to TMZ , at 1:34 pm, yesterday, March 26, a male neighbour of Justin claims that he and Justin got into a heated up argument and were throwing verbal abuses to each other, which then led to physical contact. The neighbour has accused Justin of battery and the cops are at Justin´s place investigating.

A source connected to Justin´s security said:
A neighbour of the two says that it was not over a party, but because of Justin´s ferrari. The source said:
the neighbour was furious about the dafening noise and felt like Justin was endangering the community by tearing through the streets at break neck speeds.
The Sherrif spokesman, Steve Whitmore tells TMZ:
the accuser to the deputies Justin made physical contact with him and he has filed a battery report. He also claims that Justin threatened him.
The sources tell that Justin told the man to get out fo his property.
JB flew back to Lodz Poland for the concert in Atlas Arena scheduled at night. To the Lodz papparazzi´s surprise, he was shirtless in the chilly weather as he passed the security control to his jet.
Okey, this is just a rumor but as they say, "there is some truth in every rumor." I don´t know about other people but come on, Justin misses being home and doing the stuff he used to. He was there for probably some hours before he went back to perform. The neighbour should have cut him some slack.
If this rumor is really true, then it doesn´t justify him driving carelessly on the streets. He should know better than that. Someone would have gotten hurt and Justin, people want to sleep quitely in their homes. I bet he missed his baby, his sweet ferrari but the noise that it causes is really loud.
It wouldn´t have hurt to drive in at reasonable speed thus avoiding the argument.
I love Justin, everyone who knows me knows that and I always stand up and defend him but some things he does are sometimes out of line and he knows they piss Beliebers and Fans me off. Just because I love him doesn´t mean I should accept everything he does is right. I agree that he is wrong sometimes and makes mistakes, but so does everyone else. We are human, nobody´s perfect, it all a learning process.
So according to TMZ , at 1:34 pm, yesterday, March 26, a male neighbour of Justin claims that he and Justin got into a heated up argument and were throwing verbal abuses to each other, which then led to physical contact. The neighbour has accused Justin of battery and the cops are at Justin´s place investigating.

A source connected to Justin´s security said:
the man can to Justin´s property and began screaming that while Justin was away (overseas), there were people at the house throwing loud parties.
A neighbour of the two says that it was not over a party, but because of Justin´s ferrari. The source said:
the neighbour was furious about the dafening noise and felt like Justin was endangering the community by tearing through the streets at break neck speeds.
Justin and his neighbour got into a verbal altercation just after 9 am. The argument was intense.
The Sherrif spokesman, Steve Whitmore tells TMZ:
the accuser to the deputies Justin made physical contact with him and he has filed a battery report. He also claims that Justin threatened him.
The sources tell that Justin told the man to get out fo his property.
JB flew back to Lodz Poland for the concert in Atlas Arena scheduled at night. To the Lodz papparazzi´s surprise, he was shirtless in the chilly weather as he passed the security control to his jet.
Justin´s publicist has not commented on the incident yet.
Okey, this is just a rumor but as they say, "there is some truth in every rumor." I don´t know about other people but come on, Justin misses being home and doing the stuff he used to. He was there for probably some hours before he went back to perform. The neighbour should have cut him some slack.
If this rumor is really true, then it doesn´t justify him driving carelessly on the streets. He should know better than that. Someone would have gotten hurt and Justin, people want to sleep quitely in their homes. I bet he missed his baby, his sweet ferrari but the noise that it causes is really loud.
It wouldn´t have hurt to drive in at reasonable speed thus avoiding the argument.
I love Justin, everyone who knows me knows that and I always stand up and defend him but some things he does are sometimes out of line and he knows they piss Beliebers and Fans me off. Just because I love him doesn´t mean I should accept everything he does is right. I agree that he is wrong sometimes and makes mistakes, but so does everyone else. We are human, nobody´s perfect, it all a learning process.
Believe Tour,
Justin Bieber,
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