Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Ella Paige Roberts Clarke, the 17 ambitious british singer who was rumored to be dating Justin took to twitter to clear stuff out, that they are NOT dating.
The two, according to The Mirrors had been introduced to each other by mutual friends back in L.A and the rumors heated up when Ella was spotted in Justin´s car, they both attended Justin timberlake´s concert together, had a fun time hanging out with each other and that Justin sent his Rolls Royce to pick her for at date from her home.

Ella Paige retweeted a fan´s tweet:
"justin´s not dating ella paige, she´s only an acquitance."
then she retweeted a comment by a fan too:
"so i just read a newspaper article about exactly what you think i´m talking about and it was so ridiculously untrue I actually reeled. are they just allowed to invent things? so and so and so and ao have gone public/official, well, no. what? no"

Well, forgive me for misinterpretating all this nice sweet gestures from Justin to her. Am sorry if all these signs were mistaken for something else after Justin´s break up with Selena. I just thought he was trying to move on and had found someone else to share his joy and love with. I get that a guy and a girl can be friends without any other thing being involved but I can say that´s not how it always ends. If you know what I mean.

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