Thursday, February 28, 2013


Yesterday, Justin kinda pissed off a London fan by not standing to even take a pic which made her upset and she started shouting at he top of her lungs, as loud as she could " I come here just for you......thank you....I hate you"

I bet she didn´t mean it, she was just angry, I mean, people say whatever comes to their heads when they are upset. It was quite depresing and dissapointing, I would have gotten upset too if I waited for him outside in the cold and he reacts like there was no one there, but then his security matter alot and I understand why he didn´t stop. I would never tell him that I hated him, even in the highest peak ofmy anger. People were pushing too much and he has said in so many occassions that he hates that, it makes him uncomfortable and a little scared.

That is what beliebers and fans should try to understand. he hates it when people start crowding in leaving very little space for him to even breathe and he feels like he´s suffocating. I bet you know how beliebers and fans can get crazy if they see him and start closing in on him.

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