It all went down at 3 am today at a Toronto nightclub. Sources on scene tell us JB left his safe VIP section to mingle with the regular folk -- and that's when a male clubgoer charged at him, got hold of his shirt and attempted to take him down, but failed, which makes sense ... have you seen Justin's abs? Of course you have, which means he´s been hitting the gym hard.

In the pics ... you can see security rushed in and managed to pull the guy off Bieber -- successfully taking him to the ground. In the midst of the chaos we're told JB was seen trying to defend himself, unleashing a fury of kicks.

What the hell is wrong with some poeple? That was uneccesary and stupid, you don´t just go and attack people for no good reason. I mean, Justin is back home in Toronto Canada, trying to enjoy his vacation and have a great time while mingling with other people, have a chat and some random idiot, maybe drunk, maybe not just decides to pounce on him. Justin has been hitting the gym so those kicks worked excellently. Justin did the right thing, by defending himself and that the cops were not called. If I was Justin or I bet any of you out there would have done the same thing if someone came and randomly attacked you so don´t judge him for his actions.
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