He's always giving back:

Over the weekend Justin became the first recording artist to grant 200 wishes through the Make-A-Wish Foundation when he met Annalysha Brown-Rafanan, an 8-year-old fan who is suffering from a life-threatening liver condition.
He makes his fans feel special:

Justin is so good about trying to please each and every one of his fans, regardless of their age. He posted the pic above to Twitter with the caption: "She played hard to get. Lol. Cutie"
He listens to his fans:

Justin has a connection with his fans like no other. Just one quick look at his Twitter feed and you can see that he goes out of his way to let his fans know that he hears what they're saying.
He gives kids hope:
Justin understands that he is in a position to help and give hope to kids that may be struggling physically or mentally. The day he met Marisa, a young girl who has been diagnosed with Down's syndrome and is in need of a kidney transplant, he posted the photo above with the caption:
"one of the best parts of the job. nice meeting you Marisa. stay strong for me!"
He still makes sure to thank his mom:
Justin knows how much his mom has done for him, and fame hasn't made him forget. Besides always tweeting his love for his mom, he even surprised her on Mother's Day by pulling her on stage and serenading her as his OLLG.
He remembers his fans long after meeting them in person:
Justin goes out of his way to spread love and let fans know he cares. When 11-year-old Brianna passed away, Justin posted the photo above with the caption, "just got news about little Briana. I was honored to meet her. I know she is up in heaven smiling. #ripBriana #love."
He wants the kids he meets to be recognized:
Justin's music video for his song "Pray" features many of the children he visited in the hospital. He made sure to give each of the kids their moment in the spotlight.
He's not granting wishes to break a record:
When we tweeted Justin back in April about how proud we were, he made sure to let us know that he's not in it for the record — he truly cares!
He's selfless, even on his birthday:
For Justin's 17th birthday, he asked fans, friends, and family to donate $17 each to Charity: Water instead of giving him gifts. He wrote a blog post for the charity explaining, "I want to make my birthday matter this year — let's make it so more kids can grow up to have a 17th birthday like me. Join me to make a change."
He loves giving charitable presents too:
We all know how much Justin likes giving back, but he even likes doing it as birthday gifts for other people! A couple years ago, he gave his hair to Ellen DeGeneres to auction off and raise money for The Gentle Barn, an organization that rescues animals.
He truly cares about the organizations he donates to:
While you make think that some celebrities donate to charity only because it's "the right thing to do," this is not the case with Justin — he donates his money to people and organizations he feels strongly about. When the singer donated $100,000 worth of toys to the Whitney Elementary School in Las Vegas, he was so overwhelmed with the positive reaction of the teacher, that he cried too!
He supports his friends:
Justin is all about supporting his friends. Whether it's their music or their acting careers, he will spread the love.
He started his own charity:
At only 17 years old, Justin started the BELIEVE Charity Drive and donated a portion of all his Under The Mistletoe album sales to non-profit organizations such as the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Pencils of Promise, Project Medishare for Haiti, and City of Hope.
He always thanks his fans:
Justin never lets a good deed go unnoticed. When his fans organized an album buy out to help charity(or vote and he wins an award), he makes sure to give them a shout-out.
These are but afew of the reason we Beliebers, fans and other people out there love and are proud of Justin. Tell me some of the reasons why you are proud of Justin, I would really appreciate it.
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