Saturday, August 31, 2013

Biebergram & Biebervideogram!!

@justinbieber: got any more questions?
Justin posing at the Avon theatre in his hometown, Stratford Canada. Justin used to play his guitar and sang on the concrete steps of the theater — hoping passersby throwing dollar bills and loose change into his guitar case.

@justinbieber: “remember where you come from”


Biebergram!! (Justin at the Uniun Nightclub in Toronto)

Justin at the Uniun Nightclub in Toronto
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Justin Bieber Attacked At A Nightclub!!

As reported, Justin Bieber was bum rushed in a Canadian nightclub, not sure if it was the Uniun or the Everleign Nightclub but an over eager partier who tried in vain to tackle him -- and TMZ has the pics.

It all went down at 3 am today at a Toronto nightclub. Sources on scene tell us JB left his safe VIP section to mingle with the regular folk -- and that's when a male clubgoer charged at him, got hold of his shirt and attempted to take him down, but failed, which makes sense ... have you seen Justin's abs? Of course you have, which means he´s been hitting the gym hard.

In the pics ... you can see security rushed in and managed to pull the guy off Bieber -- successfully taking him to the ground. In the midst of the chaos we're told JB was seen trying to defend himself, unleashing a fury of kicks.

What the hell is wrong with some poeple? That was uneccesary and stupid, you don´t just go and attack people for no good reason. I mean, Justin is back home in Toronto Canada, trying to enjoy his vacation and have a great time while mingling with other people, have a chat and some random idiot, maybe drunk, maybe not just decides to pounce on him. Justin has been hitting the gym so those kicks worked excellently. Justin did the right thing, by defending himself and that the cops were not called. If I was Justin or I bet any of you out there would have done the same thing if someone came and randomly attacked you so don´t judge him for his actions.

Join the Justin Bieber Team and help him win 2013 MTV EMA Biggest Fans Award!!

Beliebers, we are needed once more and this is for us. Does your favourite artist, Justin Bieber ofcourse have the most loyal, passionate fan following in the world? Prove it! It’s time to pick the winner of the 2013 MTV EMA for Biggest Fans!

Not only will fans select the winner of this award… but before voting opens, you get to select the nominees! On 30 August, the race begins with 15 artists in contention. Sign in to, join Justin Bieber´s fan team, and start earning points for your artist (see How to Earn Points). On 8 September, we’ll start narrowing the field by eliminating the lowest-ranked artist daily…so be sure to visit often to keep your pick in the game! (You can join a new fan team if your artist is eliminated—or just if you change your mind—but you can’t take your previously earned points with you.)

When voting opens on 17 September, the 5 official nominees will be left standing—then the race is really off and running! From then until voting closes 8 November, each point you earn for your Fan Team counts as a vote. Once you’ve earned 425 points, points earned from then on will count double…and once you’ve earned 775 points, points earned from then on will count TRIPLE!

So what are you waiting for? Get in the game and help pick the winner of the Biggest Fans EMA!
Belieber, I think we know what we are supposed to do, and let´s  do it right!! Make sure you sign up and join Justin´s Team, we are a family so lets support each other. Tweet, facebook, tumblr or google + this post to make sure the word is out. Let´s beat Directioners and Monsters

The Lucky Belieber!!

Whatup guys. I just wanted to remind you to read the chapter 35 of The Lucky Belieber if you haven´t because it´s unfortunately the last chapter so if you want to refresh your minds on before you read "Book 2" sometime this year, you have enough time to read through the whole "Book 1"

For those who have no idea what it´s about, well, it´s as its name sugests, a Belieber who gets to meet Justin but in the most unexpected way, find out how and what happens afterwards, read the crazy adventures they have.

I hope my hard work put on the story is impressive and please, don´t feel shy to comment on what you think about the story and what I should add to it. I would very much appreciate it.

On the side of the blog pages, both The Lucky Belieber and Belieber Lawyer, you will see a voting poll on what you think about the blog. If you think I can improve on it, please tell me how, all you gotta do is comment. If you like the blogs, you could tell your friends about it.

I was just thinking that maybe you would be interested in adding some of your imagination to my stroy, The Lucky Belieber. If by any chance you have a dream of meeting your idol, in this case Justin, it can be anyone you look up to, then please share your ideas with me as comments, write to me using the contact form on the side of the blog tweet me @ProudBeliber or email me to and I will try as much as possible to include your ideas.

Thank you for always reading. I love you guys.

Biebergram!! (Justin at the Everleign Club In Toronto)

@everleighto :MR @justinbieber himself showin' some love at #Everleigh #Toronto... you never know who you might run into ;) #capturegroup

@djmorganshim: Yes even @justinbieber party’s vintage @EverleighTO w/ me and @ericthetutor 

@sako_d: The Beebs even made it out to @everleighto on a Friday @dynamiteevents
Justin back home at the Everleign club in Toronto, Canada, August 30th.

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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Rumor: Selena Gomez Is Still In Love With Justin Bieber Despite Split!!

Is there still a chance for Jelena? If it was up to Selena Gomez, that answer would be a big YES! Selena and Justin Bieber have been through a lot of ups and downs, but apparently she still has a soft spot for her first love.

Hollywood Life rumors that Selena Gomez Still Loves Justin Bieber Despite Splitand that she is doing everything she can to get over Justin, including flirting with other guys like Union J’s George Shelley – but she just can’t seem to move on.

A source close to Selena tells Hollywood Life:
Selena is still not over Justin, not even close. This whole thing with George started as a way to make Justin jealous but now it’s taken on a life of it’s own. They’re going to meet up when she heads to Europe so who knows? It might actually turn into a good thing and help her get her mind off of Justin — but from what all her friends are saying, she’s still majorly hung up on Justin.

This might all just be a rumor but I can sence some truth in it. If she really is and the source is believeable, then there is nothing she can do about that. The heart wants what the heart wants. Maybe she will get over Justin, maybe not, nobody knwos what the future hold so we have to wait and see what happens. But as many know, I´m a Jelena fan.

Justin Bieber Being Friendly with Paparazzi — Dinner at Toscana Restaurant!!

Justin Bieber dined at Toscana in Brentwood on Wednesday night, August 28th with manager Scooter Braun, and he tweeted:
Big dinner tonight. What r u eating?

Not only did Justin being super friendly and flash a smile to the paps, but he chatted about Selena … and working with Miley Cyrus! He said: "Selena is great" and that working with Miley on Lil Twsit´s "Twerk" song that was leaked was also "great." And when x17 asked who he’s going to work with on his next record, he said he’s going to collaborate "with the world." Loves it!

It´s very good and lovely to see Justin smile and have a sence of humor with the paps. Most of them are very annoying but some tend to be "nicer" and more respectful and I guess Justin was in the right mood to play around with them and even answer some of the questions they asked. It´s great to know that there is a new album in progress.

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Justin with a fan at the restaurant he ate his first Big Burger.

@micktheruler: 🔥🔥🔥 @Pharrell @justinbieber @FeliciaTheGoat #BGC #BBC #IceCream #OF #iamOTHER

@jblazeofficial: The boys are back in town! Fun dance session today with the bro @justinbieber and the fellas at @whatmovesu. The bro works so hard! #Respect#Inspired

@justinbieber: 3 bosses
@justinbieber: studio always

@justinbieber: Katt ur funny

Justin Bieber Driving Without License – Accused of Running Stop Sign!!

Justin Bieber was pulled over in the early hours of Wednesday morning after he drove through a stop sign, and during the questioning, police discovered he wasn’t licensed to drive in California, reports TMZ.

According to the site, police noticed Justin’s white Ferrari go through a stop sign near his Calabasas home at around 4:30am. But he was then discovered to not have a valid California driver’s license, which new residents are required to have within 10 days of moving to the state. Sources said Justin was cited for “running the stop sign and for being unlicensed.”

I think Justin should have known better, I would guess he know that you are supposed to get a driving lisence for the Carlifornia and obey the stop signs or someone should have told him he needs to have the license if he wasn´t informed.

Lil Twist "Twerk" Ft Justin Bieber And Miley Cyrus!!

Lil Twist has been working with Justin and Miley Cyrus for his new single "Twerk", produced by Maejor Ali, who has also done a collaboration with Justin in the song "Lolly". Lil Twist revealed the single cover on Twitter which features a pic of Miley tweking in her one piece.

Twist tweeted before:

#3YoungMoguls #PowerMoves

In the chorus, Miley sings:
I came up in this party time to twerk.

While Justin sings:
Hey pretty girl, tell me your name. The way that you move, baby I’m happy you came. I’ve been looking for ya for a while now. I would come and talk to ya but it’s [inaudible]. Baby we can take it slow. Don’t need nobody to know. Let me see you get out on the floor now. We gon’ party all night until it’s over.” It’s unclear if this is the final version or a work in progress, but being an unauthorized leak, the widely circulated YouTube and Soundcloud versions have already been taken down.

Well, the song is said to appear on his upcoming album Bad Decisions, excutively produced by Lil Wayne and Justin Bieber.

For some weird or good reason, I was actually excited that the three are working together and I couldn´t wait for the song to hit the radios, but I have to be honest, I love the beats and ofcourse when Justin sings. The rest of the song is well..........interesting...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


@feliciathegoat@justinbieber FIRST FAT BURGER HE IS SO NASTY HAHA

@feliciathegoat: @pharrell @micktheruler

@mattalonzo: @maejorali ft. @justinbieber @juicyj “Lolly” Coming Sooner than you know. #MA @happyplaceig

@liltwist: Young Caskers.

Justin Bieber New “Virgin Mary” Tattoo!!

Justin Bieber getting a new tattoo — Virgin Mary of Guadalupe — on his left arm, just under his rose bud tattoo at the Deer’s Eye Studio, August 26.

@deers_eye_studio: Last nights session with the Lil Homie @justinbieber @chueyquintanar and the @deers_eye_crew #justinbieber #bieber #celebritytattoos #lingbeach #lb #blackandgray #deerseyestudio

@rudy_chee_ruiz: Last nights tattoo session with the Lil Homie @justinbieber and @chueyquintanar ….  @rayrae_lbc
Don´t get me wrong, I love Justin´s tattoos but as I have stated earlier, I think the tattoos are getting many but as long as they mean something to him, I don´t mind him getting as many as he wants. I can´t wait to find out why he got this tattoo and what it means to him. We love Justin and think he is hot, sexy, fly, swaggy with or without the tattoos but he shouldn´t spoil his perfect body with so many of them.

Biebergram & Biebervideogram!!

Justin with a fan

@rudy_chee_ruiz: Last nights tattoo session with the Lil Homie @justinbieber and @chueyquintanar ….  @rayrae_lbc
@justinbieber: Listening to some new music with Pharrell and Tyler.

@justinbieber: @feliciathegoat introduced me to fat burger

@justinbieber: Chillin with @DjTayJames @blakekelly
Season 7: Episode 7 ” The Real Finale” (Justin @0:54)

Biebergram!! (Justin on vacation in The Bahamas)

Justin Bieber on vacation with Lil Za and Ryan Butler in the Bahamas… where they hung out with some local Nurse sharks at the Staniel Cay Yacht Club. 
FYI: Nurse sharks generally don’t attack humans. So don’t worry! ;)

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Justin Bieber & Ex Girlfriend Jacque Pyles Back Together? or Just Friends??

Justin Bieber skipped VMAs (August 26) — hung out with his ex-girlfriend and friend of years — Jacque Pyles. The two have been friends long before Justin dated Selena Gomez. In 2009, Justin and Jacque were basically inseparable, hanging out all the time, and it looks like they’re back at it.

Justin and Jacque hanging out during the VMAs and Justin posted a picture of her on his instagram,
@justinbieber: Get off ur phone Jacque
We’re not sure if they are rekindling their romance or not, but since they’re both single, anything can happen! They might have even grabbed dinner together too since Justin tweeted about having an amazing time out to eat at the same time they were together.
Great dinner. Life is beautiful

As I´v esaid before, I don´t relly mind who Justin decides to date. I guess we just have to wait and see what happens.

Paparazzi’s Mom Sues CHP & California State!!

The mother of Paparazzi who was hit and killed by a car while taking photos of Justin Bieber’s white Ferrari is reportedly suing the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and the State of California, reports TMZ.

The incident, during which photographer Chris Guerra (29) eventually died, took place on the evening of January 1, 2013. Justin was not in the car at the time. His best friend Lil Twist was behind the wheel of the Ferrari.

According to TMZ, Vickie Guerra — the mother of Chris Guera — claims a CHP officer abused his authority by ordering her son to unsafely cross a busy road after noticing him taking photos. Chris Guerra died in the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center that same evening.
Justin issued a statement on January 2 through his record company, the Island Def Jam Music Group, saying: While I was not present nor directly involved with this tragic accident, my thoughts and prayers are with the family of the victim. Hopefully this tragedy will finally inspire meaningful legislation and whatever other necessary steps to protect the lives and safety of celebrities, police officers, innocent public bystanders, and the photographers themselves.

I mean, it´s pretty sad that something like this happened and possibly continue to happen. I know that taking pics is somebody´s work and they have to do it to feed and live but it´s not worth dying for. People should most definetly try to be more careful because at the end of the day, it´s your life that matter, not someone else´s pics.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Biebergram & Biebervideogram!!

@DJ_FRANZEN: The Young Boy is back in the studio! #WaitForAMinute

@justinbieber: Get off ur phone Jacque

@scooterbraun: Hello!? @justinbieber @coreyg650

@scooterbraun: One more time…we tried doing the #justinbieberface… Even justin failed. Lol
@scooterbraun: Well hello…

@benballer: Thank you @justinbieber for this awesome birthday wish to my son. You’ve always been so amazing….

Biebergram & Biebervideogram!! (Justin at the Adidas Photoshoot)

@scooterbraun: Bout that #PhotoBomb life! Haha.

@paulloving: Great day! @justinbieber @wex1200 @adidasneo #iamloving

@paulloving: Special! w @justinbieber & @wex1200 for @adidasNEOLabel #iamloving @ByronBeck

@scooterbraun: Fun day! #cheese

@karla_welch: Sneak Peek

@scooterbraun: At this @adidas shoot . @justinbieber is working hard with a special appearance from lil Cam :)