Sunday, June 30, 2013


 @lastkingmm: After @justinbieber show with@mistercap & His lovely #SIS #BABY #Lauren !! #DAT #LIFE

@frandalaybay: Good times....

Beliebers Help Beliebers!!

As I´ve stated before, this blog is dedicated to Justin and helping fellow Beliebers too, Justin has taught us that we should try and give back to the society as much as we can and whenever we are able to, well, a group of wonderful amazing Bleibers, and @JustinCrew on Twitter present Beliebers Help Beliebers.  Beliebers Help Beliebers is a tumblr page that started in 2010.  From 2010 to present, the team has helped over 180+ people see or meet Justin Bieber.
As you can imagine, helping people doesn’t come easy or free.  It is voluntary, if you would like to donate to BHB to help us continue running projects and keeping people happy and making dreams come true.  We would appreciate anything you can donate to our page.  From a penny to a dollar or even more. 
If you are a Belieber and you would like to meet Justin, with the help of fellow beliebers, then please follow BHB Team on Twitter for updates and please donate here
June 30, 2013 marks the end of the BHB Brooklyn Believe tour ticket giveaway.  ENTER now before it’s too late.
Upcoming Contests:

We are giving away ONE meet & greet pass to give a lucky belieber a chance to meet Justin in Hartford.  This is one meet and greet pass that does not include a ticket to the show.  Details will be posted on July 10th.  Contest will run from July 10th to July 17th. 

  1. Someday
  2. Girlfriend
  3. The Key
(A new post will be added when dates are set.  Not sure if the contest will be international or not yet - demand for your country to be involved by tweeting us @TheBHBTeam on Twitter).

There are many deserving beliebers that should be able to get to go to see Justin live in concert.  Let’s make that happen.  We’ll post contest details soon, but if you don’t have tickets, let us know what show you would like to attend (for the SUMMER NORTH AMERICAN BELIEVE TOUR ONLY).  - More details to be posted soon. 
Your support will be very much appreciated and thank you very much to those who donate. I hope that Justin recognizes what they are doing, their hard work in trying to help Belieber meet him. If you are a Belieber out there and you want a shoutout about something you are excited about or if you have any questions in mind about this, let me know, send me a message to and I will get back to you.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Biebergram!!(just arriving at his Las Vegas Hotel)

Justin spotted arriving at his Las Vegas Hotel.
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Justin and tuts


mistercapMe sis and beebz. Dudes buff now

@mikelernerphotos: Be Alright #vscocam @justinbieber

Chapter 27 Of The Lucky Belieber Is Up!!

I know it´s not a Sunday, which is when I normally do this but I decided to post a chapter anyway because I´m not sure if I´ll have the time tomorrow and I honestly don´t want to disappoint those who love and follow the story.

For those who are new to this, this is not connected to Justin but it´s Bieber related. If you haven´t, go read chapter 26. I have been working hard on the 27th chapter of The Lucky Belieber and its up now. Please check it out of you are a fan of the story. The saga continues.

For those who have never read it before and if you got time on your hands, don´t hesitate to take a look at it. If you are wondering what it´s about, well it´s about a  Belieber who gets the chance to meet Justin in the most unexpected way and they get to know each other better, hanging out and stuff like that. You might like it, maybe some how in some situations relate to it. I hope my hard work put on the story is impressive and please, don´t feel shy to comment on what you think about the story and what I should add to it. I would very much appreciate it.

On the side of the blog pages, both The Lucky Belieber and Belieber Lawyer, you will see a voting poll on what you think about the blog. If you think I can improve on it, please tell me how, all you gotta do is comment. If you like the blogs, you could tell your friends about it.

This is for all the beliebers, fans, and other people who dare to dream of meeting their Idols. My dream is to meet Justin one day and for him to one day read the story and comment or even tweet about it. So please share with your friends on Twitter, facebook, myspace, tumblr, anywhere that you like. I appreciate you reading my blogs, thank you and most of all, Enjoy!

Justin Performs In Las Vegas!!

Justin hit the stage hard in Las Vegas, June 28.
he tweeted after the show was over:
Great show Vegas

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Las Vegas M&G!!

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Justin Bieber Wants to “Get Married and Start a Family” Young!!

As Justin gets shirtless in the US Weekly´s new special issue, he tells the mag that he not only believe in love, but he also wants to get married and start a family whiel he´s still young.
My grandparents Bruce and Diane Dale(are my role models). They love each other so much, after so many years! When I´m their age, I want to be as in love with my wife as with his.

Justin talked about his breakup sith Selena and both of them can remain friends,
As Long as people aer kind to each other during a breakup, there is no reason they can´t be friends. Alot of people give me relationship advice.

Well, if you want to readd more about Justin´s take on relationships and growing in the spotlight, including impressive dates and those extra-special occaisons, pick up a copy of US Weekly´s Justin Bieber issue, it´s in stores now.

Wise words and the very best of luck to Justin when he decides it´s time to settle down and start a family, but I guess that will be some more years in the future.
check out the last edition, shirtless pics featured.

Justin Bieber Pees on American Flag? “Lie Witness News” On Jimmy Kimmel Live!!

Jimmy Kimmel started a new segment in his show, "Lie Witness News - Justin Bieber Concert" on his show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, where he made up stories and asked Beliebers who were passing by near where he was performing about what they thought.

How blindly will Beliebers follow Justin?

Well, from this, it looks like they follow Justin 100%. We´ve got his back but I don´t neccessarily share the same opinion as some of these fellow Beliebers.

Friday, June 28, 2013

#TheKey Is Available For Sale!!

What is The Key? 
The Key is an inspiring fragrance that invites you to unlock the endless possibilities of believing in your dreams, bringing you closer to Justin than ever before. Energetic with a sexy splash of sparkling freshness, the luminous fruity floral musk fragrance awakens the senses with a burst of juicy fruits, while the heart blooms to unveil a bright bouquet of sheer floralcy. The creamy dry down blends sensual musks and exotic precious woods with decadent notes of vanilla that will leave you dreaming for more.
The Key is now available for sale at Macy’s! Buy the 3.4 oz bottle here for $59.50 or the smaller 1.7 oz bottle here for $49.50!
view the official poster and more info. on what Justin has to say about #TheKey

Justin Doesn´t Want Selena´s Music On Set During A Photoshoot!!

TMZ has obtained a rider from Justin´s photoshoot earlier thsi month, and otehr restrictions include NO cell phones and NO autographs. TMZ also claims that justin made a laundry list of food demands on set, including herbal teas, a deli platter, a veggie platter, a large Swedish Fish, Ritz Bits Peanut Butter and cheese Sandwiches, 2 large packs of haribo Cola gummies and several packs of white undeshirts, tanks and socks as well. But Justis rep says that all thsi is just fake rumors.

What business is it of people how much Justin eats? How does that actually affect you? Is the food going to your body? A far as I´m concerned, he looks pretty hot and fit, watch the "Boyfriend" performances on the Believe Tour or check hsi shirtlesss pics. The six pack doesn´t come from nowhere, he goes to the gym, so let him have what he wants to have, he burns the damn calaries in the gym later on.

People are critising Justin for not wanting Selena´s music on set but they say nothing when Selena announces none of Justin´s music should be played at her events! This is insane, he can very much, because he has the right to choose who he wants to listen to on set.

As a young celebrity recognised everywhere, sometimes you just want some peace of mind and so a moment feel normal and not everyone asking for your autograph or taking pics on set without your concent and they end up on the internet in seconds and rumors start spreading. I feel like if he wants to have those rules instated, then he can as well do it so that there is order. It´s you who called him for the photoshoot, not the other way round, so people please, try to be considerate.

Biebergram & Biebervideogram!!

@hellokaili: I love my job!!

@benballer: Justin say YOU need to always to pheed the pham

Justin posted this on instagram before he deleted it.

Justin Sued By Papparazzi For Alleged Assult In Calabasas!!

Justin is once again being sued by a photographer. The photog claims that Justin punched and kicked him last year in a scuffle at a Calabasas, California, movie theater. The Associated Press reports that Jose Osmin Hernandez Duran claims that Bieber was leaving the movie theater with then-girlfriend Selena Gomez when he got out of his car and rushed toward the paparazzi. Duran alleges that Bieber delivered a martial arts-style kick to his gut before punching him in the face.
The authorities investigated the incident last May, and prosecutors declined the file misdemeanor battery charges against Bieber after finding no evidence of the alleged attack. A doctor found only superficial injuries on Duran, while police who had responded to the scene did not see any injuries. 
Witnesses reported that none of them saw Bieber kick the paparazzi, and that Duran continued to take pictures as Bieber and Gomez were leaving. Duran's photos were reviewed by police and did not show a physical altercation. 
Duran's suit against Bieber seeks unspecified damages for "severe and extreme emotional distress" as well as negligence. Justin's representatives have not issued a statement. 

This to me is actually pathetic and time wasting. This pap should get a life and stop seeking attention. There is no evidence that he was battered or whatever he said was done and the charges were even dropped due to lack of evidence. No one saw Justin do anything to him, he didn´t even touch the pap. I just wonder what this guy wants now.

I´m just abit confused, how did/could Justin cause him "severe and extreem emotional distress" and as well as negligence? What is this man actually talking about? Did he want Justin to take care of him or what? I bet this photog himself, just as almost all the other photogs annoyed and provoked Justin to get angry and jump out of his car but nothing more happened.

Jose´s claims have no base at all! If someone understands him, please talk to me because all this claims don´t make sense to me!

Justin Forgets Lyrics To "Fall" At San Jose BELIEVE Tour Concert!!

During the "Fall" performance in San Jose, Justin forgot the lyrics to his song but even though he forgot the lyrics, Beliebers were more than happy to chip in and sing along.
It´s at the beginning when he starts singing if you were just wondering.

He tweeted later on:
San Jose was right tonight. I might of forgot the words to Fall for a second there. Things happen. Lol

Well haters and critics, there you have it, the truth! There is the proof that he does not lip-sync, it´s all him.

I was honestly smiling because it rather unexpected and I repeated the part where he forgot the lyrics over and over again because he sounded so cute and abit confused to me, but the show wenton. I know it happens to almost all celebrities, and I guess Justin is one of them too, he´s only human. ;) And Beliebers, thank you all for chipping in.

more pics from the San Jose Believe Tour Concert:

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Deleted Scenes From Justin´s SNL Skit!!

Watch Justin´s deleted scenes from SNL.

Whether it was good or not, I still think they should have aired this too, Beliebers would have loved to watch it. I hear alot of people speaking BS about Justin´s episode, saying that he sucks but I and fellow Beliebers think he was really good. he has the acting talent in him, just needs a slight polish and it will be even more fantastic.  

San Jose M&G!!

 San Jose M&G, June 26th:
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Justin Performs in San Jose!!

Justin greated fans before hitting the the stage hard in San Jose yesterday June 26th.


 "Boyfriend and Baby" shirtless


One of the luckiest girls.
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justinbieber:  gonna put my dad on that show what not to wear

@londonasher: Uncle Justin giving me a kiss. But I´m ticklsih!! @justinbieber

justinbieberRyan's drunk as piss

justinbieberSoon.. :p


Justin´s wax figure in Washington.

San Jose - Believe Tour OLLG.

Misterben 100: Lil bro #Believetour #TD4W #highendwood @_jagne clothing #100tho

Biebergram!! (Justin & Fans)

Justin and fans outside the San Jose Arena.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Justin Ranked #9 In The Most Powerful Celebrity On Forbes Magazine!!

Forbes magazinejust released their 2013 list of the most powerful cebrities and Justin was ranked at #9, making him the youngest celebrity to reach the top 10.

Since appearing on the cover of FORBES last year, the Canadian crooner has toured the world, picked up another 20 million Twitter followers and earned another $58 million (that sum would have been even higher if we hadn’t credited him with a double-digit million-dollar merchandise advance last year). With stakes in startups including Enflick, Tinychat and Spotify, he shows no signs of slowing down.

Congrats to Justin for making it to top 10. His hard work is paying him really good and thank you Beliebers for helping a huge deal too. You are one of the reasons why Justin is in this position, not forgetting the Heavenly Father´s blessings upon Justin.


@justinbieber: got sent this from last night. pretty incerdible you guys printed out all those signs just for that moment. Thank u

jonboogiee#LA showed so much love the pass two nighst. Shout to all the homies who came out to support. Be back in August 💯 #BelieveTour

londonasherThank you uncle @justinbieber for my early bday gift! #BelieveTour#JustinBieber

@benballer: Good hanging with #JustinBieber yesterday. He thinks he can boss me around like my name is scooter smh #believetour

Biebergram!!(Justin and Jordan Ozuna At The Las Vegas Indoor Skydiving Facility)

Justin and Jordan Ozuna (who is still married) at the Las Vegas Indoor Skydiving where Justin was  allegedly banned for life.