A man has spent almost £100,000 on five years worth of plastic surgery to make him look like Justin Bieber, according to the British tabloid Closer.

The 33-year-old Tony Sheldon, who the British Closer describes as a "songwriter," dreamed of having a smile as bright as Justin. So he spent five years and thousands of dollars working towards that goal, and now he´s finally done, everything was completed by July, this year.
He told Closer:
It’s Justin’s smile that gives me youthful look. So I had my upper lip lifted [and] my bottom lip plumped out.
In addition to the money, Sheldon has also spent a lot of time recovering from his multiple Justin Bieber plastic surgeries:
My smile surgery took more than a month to recover from. And, after my eyelid surgery, I couldn’t open my eyes for a week.

Not exactly but it has all been worth it for Sheldon, though:
My friends shower me with compliments,. They even call me Toby Bieber.
I feel horrible that I´m going to say this but he looks nothing like Justin and this was just a crazy idea that wasted his money. I highly doubt that someone was going to randomly come up to him and be like "oh, you have Justin Bieber lips". I feel like the doctors lied to him or something because these surgeries don´t work most of the times. I mean, I think he looked better before, just saying. But I really do hope that he´s happy because that´s all that matter right!
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