baby you´ll never know if never try!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
now, maybe more than ever, Selena is feling better after the break- up with Justin.
On an interview with E! Entertainment, she said:
"I´m good. I´m really good. I´ve been recording , having alot of fun with my girlfriens, having a good time.
It´s okey to move on, I mean, everybody handles break ups differently. she has alreay been recording 16 songs even though she´s keeping quiet on revealing too much or may details about her new music.
she later on added:
" I´ve been telling people I´m definetly a little bit more sassy no, alittle bit more mouthy."
in a way, I feel like this is another message to Justin after the Justin Timberlake´s "cry me a river" song she performed. I don´t know but it´s nice that she is doing things she loves and keeps her busy again.

she was the cover of the Nylon magazine, looking street and beautiful. don´t hate on her just because she decided to move on with her life. I love and respect her for that.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
so damn true. I just pray that my dream of meeting Justin one day will come true. I speak for millions of BELIEBERSwho feel the same way. Dreams do come true, you just gotta BELIEVE!
for those awsome beliebers living in Toronto or if you can make it there, there might be something rather important that will be happening on the 2nd of Feb so keep your calender open for that day.
from Toronto Beliebers
from Toronto Beliebers
"Hey Toronto Beliebers!
Justin’s album ‘Believe Acoustic’ is coming out January 29, 2013! On Saturday, February 2nd, we will be holding another BIEBER BUYOUT! This is our fourth one! If you are not familiar with a ‘buyout’, it’s when we all go to the store and clear the shelves of Justin’s new album!
The buyout will start at 2:00 pm and we will all meet at Yonge/Dundas Square, across the street from the Eaton Centre Mall. Once we are all there, we will go into HMV and buyout the cds! We will probably spend around 45 minutes inside buying CDs and other merch!
Once we are done, we can go back to Yonge/Dundas square, take a bunch of pictures and videos to document the day! The CD’s will be donated to the Sick Kids hospital.
Some things to remember:
1) Bring money! CD’s and lunch if you come!
2) Bring friends & your parents can come too!
3) Bring anything to represent Justin and Toronto! (Shirts, posters, etc)
4) Bring a positive attitude! (Justin always appreciates and recognizes what we do)
5) Bring a camera! We want lots of pictures and videos!
6) Dress warmly!"
if you can make it there, please do go and enjoy a wonderful day with other beliebers and I would like to thank the organisers of this event, Vennesa @belieberbabes Julia and Nicole @nicolecampea,´s good that you are going to donate to the hospital, it shows how much you guys care and Justin is proud to call you his Beliebers, I am sure of that. so people, if you got any ideas, lett them know.
some of you might be thinking...WTF....What in the name of JB is he thinking? how could he? did he really? that is so imature and inappropriate.
This happened back in Miami at the meet and greet and the girl in the pic is called Jocelyn and goes by the name @JocelynnBieber on twitter.
but it is not what it looks like, he didn´t mean to touch her boob . it was just the angle of the camera that got everyone mixed up and talking.
she wrote about this pic:
it might been the slip of the hand or the person who took the pic had the "one lucky shot" pic, what do I know, I wasn´t there
true dat! Justin might not be in the best position in his life right now and he is just being Justin, crazy and fun, but I always knew he has respect for other people´s privacy. Av seen crazy comments on this pic. Beliebers do have wild imaginations as I´ve seen. ;-)
This happened back in Miami at the meet and greet and the girl in the pic is called Jocelyn and goes by the name @JocelynnBieber on twitter.
but it is not what it looks like, he didn´t mean to touch her boob . it was just the angle of the camera that got everyone mixed up and talking.
she wrote about this pic:
it might been the slip of the hand or the person who took the pic had the "one lucky shot" pic, what do I know, I wasn´t there
She continued to say:
“People can think what they want but I know what really happened & Justin does too – so everyone else’s opinions don’t matter to me.”
true dat! Justin might not be in the best position in his life right now and he is just being Justin, crazy and fun, but I always knew he has respect for other people´s privacy. Av seen crazy comments on this pic. Beliebers do have wild imaginations as I´ve seen. ;-)
Beliebers all over! the wait is over, the album is out and being sold ALL AROUND THE WORLD. you can listen to the whole Believe Acoustic album right here. It came out yesterday and I have to say am proud and happy that it was exactly what I hoped it would be
Cudos to Justin Drew Bieber! Amaizing talent that would take him far.
listen to all the amaizing songs from the BELIEVE ACOUSTIC ALBUM.
1. boyfriend
2. As Long As You Love Me
3. Beauty And A Beat
4. She Don´t Like The Lights
5. Take You
6. Be Alright
7. All Around The World
8. Fall
9. Yellow Raincoat- lyrics
10. I Would- lyrics
11. Nothing Like Us- lyrics
Cudos to Justin Drew Bieber! Amaizing talent that would take him far.
listen to all the amaizing songs from the BELIEVE ACOUSTIC ALBUM.
but here is a good half hour of pure joy.
2. As Long As You Love Me
3. Beauty And A Beat
4. She Don´t Like The Lights
5. Take You
6. Be Alright
7. All Around The World
8. Fall
9. Yellow Raincoat- lyrics
10. I Would- lyrics
11. Nothing Like Us- lyrics
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
I just thought I should put this pic out there for those who haven´t seen it. It´s justin´s mom to the left and Justin to the right when they were about the same age. how adorable. such look alikes.
Now we know where he got his beautiful and charming looks from. ;-)
Now we know where he got his beautiful and charming looks from. ;-)
This is an insight of the interview Justin had with billboard yesterday, the 28th of January whereby they talked about Justin´s breakup with Selena and his feelings towards it.
"Billboard: There’s been all this back-and-forth with both you and Selena Gomez separately covering “Cry Me a River.” The blogs have a field day speculating about what happened to your relationship.
Justin: There’s so many rumors. People say I call Selena every day and she won’t pick up the phone or I’m chasing her down, and these are all fake stories.
Do you pay attention?
I don’t go on blogs or anything like that. I hear things. People tell me if something happens on the Internet. It gets back to me, definitely.
Listening to the new songs, it seems like it’s been a wearying time for you. “Yellow Raincoat” has the line, “Fame, money and girls drive you crazy.” And of course “Nothing Like Us” it’s kind of heavy. Are you having fun?
Definitely, all of the time. I’m 18. I have a great team around me. I have great friends. We have a blast. They keep me occupied and my mind off of the negative things. It’s funny when people are like, “You’re 18. What have you really gone through?” I’m thinking, “What do you mean? When you were 18, you don’t think that you went through stuff?” When you are 18, you’re going through that transition. You have a high school girlfriend, you might not. Going to college. Figuring yourself out, leaving home.
That’s one of the reasons that I like “Nothing Like Us.” You manage to take this very real, young feeling and make it universal. I like that the song was sweet. Scooter told me you wrote it about what happened with Selena, but he didn’t tell me what it sounded like. And if you read the blogs, you think it might be an angry song. Instead, it feels.
Because at the end of the day, there’s nothing like us, you know? That’s just it. It is what it is. People are going to relate to that.
You’re pretty heartbroken?
I’m not in the happiest place that I’ve ever been. I’m trying to get through what I’m going through. Like I said, I have my really close friends to cheer me up and keep me going."
I’m not in the happiest place that I’ve ever been. I’m trying to get through what I’m going through. Like I said, I have my really close friends to cheer me up and keep me going."
Although Justin didn´t come out clear on the answers and said what we really wanted to hear, we still got the message and understood what he meant and still love him. I mean, it´s not easy talking about a break up nomatter how strong or how strong you think you are. I bet it hurts him so much considering she was his first love. you will get all this Justin, try to stay strong and hold your head up high.
Justin Bieber,
Justin has ended his leg of the Believe tour in North America, and decided to have fun with the papparazzi by flashing his abs back in Miami yesterday.
Monday, January 28, 2013
these are the people that make all the belieber´s dreams come true at the concerts . from the lights, the sound, the stage and the supporters. this is the real Bieber family before a concert. gathering all the psyke and blessings from the Almighty God.
cheer on people!!
cheer on people!!

Tomorrow is the day many beliebers have been waiting for since Justin announced that it was coming out. Finally, one more day for the Believe Acoustic album to be released.
While still on this subject, it has been said that if Justin´s album becomes no.1 on the billboard 200, then two historical momemtts will be under his name.
1. As the 10th act to have a no.1 album four years in a row.
2. As the first under 19 to have 5 chart leading albums.
They might not be Grammys awards or anything lose too that but they are good enough, atleast for us beliebers, I mean, he has bigger dreams and we´ll help him get there.
you can buy and support Justin by buying his Believe Acoustic album through Amazon and audio mp3 via iTunes
Right now, he in a tie with Miley Cyrus with 4 chart-toppers at this young age, just under 19 years old. Hope he breaks the records that have been set and leave another mark on this world.
I just remember the lyrics to his song "born to be somebody", I guess his words are coming true, that this world will belong to him.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
As many beliebers and fans have been informed, Justin is making another movie. believe movie which he started shooting in Canada and now he is in Miami Florida. Honestly can´t wait to see all the behind the scene moments, everthing is never as it looks from the outside.
it´s all about his life on the road during the Believe tour and so much more.
Justin wrote on twiter about the movie:
"And yeah the word is outin Miami ......we are shooting. Need u all live tomorrow again #BELIEVEtour #BELIEVE "
scooter braun had something to say too.
"In Miami, making a movie with @jonmchu and @justinbieber #believe"
for those fo you who don´t know or recognise Jon .M. Chu, he is the diretor of all the Step Up dance movies and also directed Justin Bieber´s Never Say Never movie.
so you bet that the Believe movie is going to be amazing.
it´s all about his life on the road during the Believe tour and so much more.
Justin wrote on twiter about the movie:
"And yeah the word is outin Miami ......we are shooting. Need u all live tomorrow again #BELIEVEtour #BELIEVE "
scooter braun had something to say too.
"In Miami, making a movie with @jonmchu and @justinbieber #believe"
for those fo you who don´t know or recognise Jon .M. Chu, he is the diretor of all the Step Up dance movies and also directed Justin Bieber´s Never Say Never movie.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
the countdown has began, just three more days to the release of the believe acoustic album. so excited for it to come out, can´t wait to know and hear what Justin has written down to explain what has been going on. hope you remembered to pre-order if you want one but there are always going to be there.
on the 2nd of February, Justin is once again,for the 4th time, going to be the cover story for Billboard Magazine.
He is going to talk about his new Believe acoustic album, his opinion on whether he thinks he was snubbed at the grammys and how he turned the sad momemts in his life, expecially what has been going on lately into songs and so much more.
his songs are becoming viral, his fans, growing by the hour and there is nothing going to stand in Justin´s way.
no haters shall succeed in theri efforts to pull him down.
there are a few things I can say right now. 1.Congrats to him for a job well done on another album.
2. we beliebers and fans believe in him and that we have his back nomatter what.
3. i love him for who he is and what he has done and become. period!
He is going to talk about his new Believe acoustic album, his opinion on whether he thinks he was snubbed at the grammys and how he turned the sad momemts in his life, expecially what has been going on lately into songs and so much more.
his songs are becoming viral, his fans, growing by the hour and there is nothing going to stand in Justin´s way.
no haters shall succeed in theri efforts to pull him down.
there are a few things I can say right now. 1.Congrats to him for a job well done on another album.
2. we beliebers and fans believe in him and that we have his back nomatter what.
3. i love him for who he is and what he has done and become. period!
Friday, January 25, 2013
We have known for centuries that songs were some of the ways used by artists in the music industry or just normal people to pass different kinds of messages to each other or to their fans.
Justin said that he was going to express his feelings in the Believe Acoustic album and Selena seems to be doing the same in some of her songs, especially one that caught my attention, was her song "my dilemma" which sounds really personal, she is singing about someone but is it directed to Justin? that is the question. I believe so.
Justin was also upset about their break up and he is going to have the sad song he wrote to Selena and about their relationship in his believe album. or so I believe it´s directed to Selena. I feel sorry for both of them. too bad things couldn´t work out between them. they were so cute together. here is Justin´s song to Selena. or so I believe.
Justin at an exceptional concert i Phillis Arena Atlanta.
after the show, Justin went back stage to his mom
"after show kiss with mom"IMO GIRLS SPEAK ABOUT BIEBER!
as it has been since the beggining of this year, Justin has been on the spotlight with no second to rest or space to breath. I have said this before and am gonna say it again, people, give Justin a break.
he has been going through alot this month, he had to deal with break up with selena, prepearing of the second part of the believe tour, harsh rumors and exposing photos and so much more. I don´t care who you are or how are are going to take this but I don´t want to see Justin go to hospital because of too much stress.
some famous teen fans or should I say beliebers calling themselves IMO took to youtube to express themselves. they make very good points.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
this pic was posted by Kylie Jenner a half sibling to the Kardashians, showing her and Justin holding hands but she later on deleted it. rumors started spreading that the two were dating and I was rather surprised but then I thought again, that photo looked so familiar, I had see it before.
well, you can bet I was right, Kylie edited it but the original pic was Selena and Justin holding hands after a night out while they were still dating. :-)
they just put Kylie´s head on Selena´s pic .Talk about nice editing.
see for yourself.

Even though he is a busy guy, with a tight schedule ,he finds time to do other things, and one of them is to visit the sick in the hospital, which is great so nobody should give me the "he´s doing it for publicity shit!" he ofcourse has many belieber fans who are sick and suffering from really life threatening diseases and he tends to pope up and surprise them.
he loves kids and he has shown it in so many ways, he has a good heart which is dedicated to helping those in needy, he knows how it feels coming from a rather not rich family if I can say that.
this time, he visited the Ryans Seacrest´s charity foundation - Children Healthcare in Atlanta. he is an Angel sent from Heaven to Earth.
he later gave a shout-out:
"thanks @ryanseacrest for inviting me to the @ryanfoundation here in ATL. has a great time meeting your patients!"
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