Sunday, December 9, 2012


Today it´s about JELENA. i love them so much and i think that they are good for each other.
 i really want to  talk about Justin Bieber´s relationship with Selena Gomez. i honestly dont know what Beliebers expects of him when it comes to his personal life. come on people, he has given you everything he has and yet you can´t accept the fact that he has fallen in love. his heart has chosen Selena. if you really love Justin, you would be happy for him.
It´s not like am judging and don´t take me wrong but I dont understand why some of you hate on Selena. what has she honestly done to deserve all this hateful comments anyway?? ask yourself and give me good reasons for it. she is a sweet and hardworking girl. their relationship is like any other, it has ups and downs. rather complicated. maybe you fail to realise this when you post the hateful comments but you are also hurting Bieber´s feelings. he gets upset when he sees the harsh comments you post about his girlfriend. you might be one of the reasons Justin becomes upset, when you say mean stuff about his love when you know nothing about her. she has fans too and it´s the same feeling we get when someone says rude and annoying things about Justin.
Their break up made headline the last time and the Belieb world crushed for those who are JELENA fans too. i mean, seh was tired of bottling thins up and she finally exploded, triggered by the photos she saw. she is human and gets jealous too. but she would still be singel if Justin didnt want her baack, but he did and he asked her to be his girlfriend again. that must show you that he really loves her. Justin doesn´t like to rub the fact that he has a girlfreind on our faces but the paparazzi aren´t making that easy, now are they??
You know that Justin loves you so much and nomatter what happens, he will always be our Justin so all Beliebers  please, try to understand that he is in love and even though not everybody is pleased/happy with it, just try to cope. i love you all.

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