Monday, December 10, 2012


people please give me a break. seriously, i dont get the big deal with this. he wore an unbottoned overall and a baseball hat backwards studs and a long silver neckless and bright neon yellow sneakers to meet the prime miister to recieve a diamond Jubilee medal.
they don´t call him the king of Swag for nothin u know.
Bieber later twitted"i hope you hate my style. overals lol"
what people fail to understand is that this actually happened at a hockey arena, it´s not like that Justin was in his area or in an office. and he was just from performing and went directly to receieve tha award because he didn´t have time to go and change. it´s  not like he was going to change into a suit anyway to please the guy. comeon! he has his own style. he has never even worn a suit to meet the President of USA. so whats so special about this guy then. stop making a big deal out fo nothing.
on others have the nerve to call him the "prince of trash"apparently, the prime minister was surprise by the Biebs outfit but what could he do!!
i hope you know now why he was dressed like that.

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