Sunday, December 9, 2012


this picture really shows me that he is human and still a teenager. in his defence, i would say the paparazzi were abit too much and they deserved it! come one , can´t he just go out with his beautiful car and not get followed around with flashes as if he was a criminal who escaped prison?? i would have some the same thing if i was in his shoes. people should know the boundaries of thier actions.
I know some of you critics will say that this is not a being a good role model but thats your own opinion. if you got a problem with with it!!
He did it....big deal. so what. he is expressing himself and some of those stupid paparazzi had the nerves to ask him why he was overspeeding when they were the reason for it! Idiots!! they should just leave him alone in peace or if not, give them what they deserve Justin. dislike me if you want but thats the truth!! it hurts.

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