Friday, January 31, 2014

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Has Justin´s Back!!

Don’t worry, Justin, Rob Ford has your back. The beleaguered Toronto mayor has declared that people should be more forgiving of Justin, who was recently charged with assaulting a local limousine driver.
Ford said yesterday, during one of his regular appearances on the Washington DC radio programme Sports Junkies:
You know what, he's a young guy.

Think back to when you were 19... At 19 years old I wish I was successful as he was.

Despite Ford's envy for Justin's accomplishments, the notorious mayor said that he couldn't speak for the quality of Justin's art.
Honestly, I don’t even follow music, I'm 45 years old.

In fact, Ford and Justin are united by more than just their Canadian passports and mutual familiarity with Toronto law enforcers. One of Justin's Canadian lawyers, Seth Weinstein, also represents Ford's friend, the alleged drug dealer Alexander "Sandro" Lisi. "It happens to be that I’m involved in both [cases], but I don’t think you can read anything else into it," Weinstein told the Globe and Mail. While Bieber was "booked and processed" for a 30 December attack on his limousine driver, Lisi has been charged with extortion in connection with the mayor's infamous crack video said:
I think [Justin's] a remarkable talent. But beyond that, I’m not intimately familiar with his work.

Weinstein or another attorney from his firm, Greenspan Humphrey Lavine, is expected to appear on Justin's behalf at his next Toronto hearing, on 10 March.

Welcome  to the team Mayor. It´s good to know that Justin still has support from other members of the society apart from Beliebers.

Barry Gibb Offers Some Advice To Justin: "There's a discipline in what he's doing. Apply that discipline to how you want to behave!"

Former Bee Gees star Barry Gibb is the latest person to offer Bieber some advice in the wake of his difficult few weeks.

Speaking to Matt Lauren on the Today Show, Barry said:
Things don't really change much, do they? If you're a teenage idol and all the young girls love you, you can lose that pretty quick.

You can lose perspective, but you can also lose them in the long run if you're not a role model. Hopefully, what he does on stage and the way he dances and the way he sings, he will apply that to his real life. 

There's a discipline in what he's doing. Apply that discipline to how you want to behave.

I do agree, that Justin should apply his disciplined and hardworking behaviour when it comes to music in his real life, then he would help him a ton to avoid the BS going on.

Justin Bieber Gets´s New Ink Of A "Cross" & Is To Open High-End Tattoo Parlor With His Dad, Jeremy Bieber!!

A source explained to RadarOnline that Justin’s planning to step back from the spotlight and try something he’s fancied doing for ages:
He complained that he toured for most of last year and he hasn’t had a chance to catch his breath.

His short term plans include opening a tattoo parlor with his dad. They have talked about it for a very long time. It’s his dream for it to be a very high-end parlor, unlike anything currently out there.

The source added that although it might seem a bit random to us, his team are keen for Justin to spend time doing something productive:
Justin team is concerned that he’ll just sit around and do nothing. Continue to party with his buddies. Everyone respects Justin’s desire for some down time, but too much idle time is when he typically gets in trouble. He needs structure and a routine to keep him out of trouble.

While that is in progress, Justin got another new tattoo, of a "Cross" this time.

If opening a tattoo parlour has been part of his dream for some time now, they why it do it? But he shouldn´t focus all his attention on it. he can let his dad run it and he can concentrate on the music, that is what he's here for and we want that. I wouldn't like him to stay idle, coz he gets intro trouble when he has too much time on his hands.

Bieber Facts!!

Justin Moving To Hidden Valley & Mayor Fred Gaines Comments on Justin Bieber Moving out of Calabasas !!

The Calabasas Mayor Fred Gaines this week addressed rumblings that Justin may be considering moving out of his gated community amid a litany of charges he faces between Florida and Toronto.

Residents have accused Justin of speeding, spitting, holding loud parties and even egging neighbors.

The LA Times contacted Calabasas Mayor Fred Gaines on Tuesday. He said:
I have no information about Mr. Bieber’s intentions to remain in Calabasas or to move.

The fact that a talented international musician like Mr. Bieber chooses to live in Calabasas is certainly a feather in our cap and a tribute to our safe and beautiful community.

But the peace and privacy of our residents is the city’s top priority. We have unfortunately had a number of breaches of the peace related to Mr. Bieber and his residence, and the sheriff has acted appropriately in addressing those incidents.

TMZ reports Justin is looking at new homes in an area not far from the Calabasas.
Justin has been looking at homes in an area called Hidden Valley — 20 miles from where he currently lives in Calabasas.

There are only 10 homes and each has around 20 acres. There are lots of horse ranches in the area, but Justin’s not specifically looking for horse property.

Justin wants between 10 and 20 acres, so both areas fit the bill.

Justin was particularly interested in one home on Potrero, but he waited and the house just sold for $9.5 million.

He wants space not only to rid himself of neighbors … he wants room to roam on ATVs. He also wants a skate park.

Of course he wants to stay away from neighbors, I mean he deserves to be free after all that drama and wherever he's moving hopefully it will be a good place and he wont get into more trouble. He can do pretty much whatever he wants and no neighbours will be on his case all the time. Plus everyone needs their own space too.

Justin Bieber’s model friend Carmen Ortega Blame it on Selena Gomez, Fear Bieber Death!!

Justin Bieber’s model friend Carmen Ortega claimed to have had a deep conversation with him.

The beauty, who was romantically linked to NBA superstar LeBron James last year – and friends with rapper Lil Za and Lil Twist, is one of the few people talking about Justin’s recent troubles.

Carmen says:
It was awful to see, I feel like he doesn’t have good people around him. I fear for him, of course, if he doesn’t make the right choices, it can lead to bad things.

Look at Britney, or Amanda Bynes, or even worse Michael Jackson. He could end up dead. He needs to be near his family or the consequences could be severe.

This episode is really messing him up, it’s so difficult right now to be Justin Bieber as he’s surrounded by people who are giving him bad advice and egging him on to do crazy things. He’s a sweet kid, but he’s alienating his whole family.

He’s getting involved above his head. Everybody says yes in Hollywood, and I’d be scared he’d get involved in harder drugs and just lose total control.

Where are all his friends when he needs them? Lady Gaga spoke out, but who else is stepping up to the plate to intervene?

Carmen blames it on the break up of his romance to Selena Gomez.
When you have a broken heart at 19 years old, you think your world has fallen apart, that was his girlfriend for life so he thought, but she dumped him.

They’ve tried everything to get to him especially Scooter Braun, who’s been his mentor right from Day One. He’s made him the star he is, but nothing is stopping Justin.

His management has been giving TMZ stories in the hope to get him react, to make him wake up, but it’s not doing anything.

No one knows that he’s had doctors around him for the last year, as he’s getting into such states, he even passed out when he was overseas recently.

He thinks it’s cool to put himself next to Michael Jackson, but look what happened to him.

Look at Justin’s eyes, they are so dark, it’s not just from alcohol or weed, it’s more than that. There are so many bad influences in his life.

We need more people speaking out. What happened to Kim Kardashian? She’s meant to be one of his best friends, why doesn’t she put something on Twitter?

So many of us are worried about what is going on with Justin and we can´t just ignore the fact that thinsg are pretty messed up and that he really needs help. More people should come out and express their concerns and let him know that he he should seek help. I don´t want him to end up dead, that would kill me. I just want him to be happy and healthy.

Miley Cyrus Gives Justin Bieber Legal Advice on Jay Leno!!

Miley Cyrus appears on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on Thursday (January 30) in Burbank, CA. During the appearance, Miley gave advice to Justin, who has been going through a rough time recently.
You’ve got a lot of money. Pay people to make sure you don’t get in trouble, and party at your house. Buy a house, and add a club to it.

I mean, I know that Miley cares about Justin as has always been open to advising him but I´m not sure about the whole pay people to shut up is gonna work. Everyone wants a piece of him but the advice Miley gave him could actually work, apart from he shouldn´t have neighbours if he is going to have a club in his house, otherwise that is another problem.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Biebergram & Biebervideogram!!

@kevpowell: At the nitrocity wake lake
@ATLVox: Had tons of fun going through some pics today. Flash WAY back: THE first award show seating chart for @justinbieber

@ATLVox: Fist bump!

@kevpowell: Helping bieber with the bike after it stalled

@jeremybieber: Safe and sound #homesweethome

More OUttakes From Justin’s Adidas Neo photoshoot!!

New Pics of Justin at the Adidas Nwo Ohotoshoot have surfaced. Damn he looks good and so hot.

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Justin & Fans In Toronto, Canada!!

Justin stopped to take some selfies with fans, Jan 29th in Toronto Canada.

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"Confident" Music Video Is Out!!

Watch Justin works his moves to get a girl’s phone number (Cailin Russo) in the just released music video for his song “CONFIDENT”! The track, which features Chance The Rapper, appears on his compilation album Journals.

Wow!! Am I the only Belieber who thhinks that Cailin is so damn lucky?? I mean, she gets to be I n two ofJustin´s music videos and they make out in both of them! Damn! The dancing and the whole music video is pure perfection. The cheesy conversation was funny and lame at the same time. Overall, I love it, I love it very much.

Justin Bieber Turns Himself In, Charged with Assaulting Limousine Driver in Toronto!!

Justin Bieber turned himself in at a Toronto police station where he was mobbed by TV crews, news photographers and screaming fans — following reports he will be charged with assault over an incident in the city last December 2013.

The charge comes a week after he was arrested and charged for a separate incident in Florida for DUI.

Justin’s lawyer said he was innocent.

Toronto police say that Justin Bieber was one of six people picked up by a limousine outside a nightclub in the early hours of 30 December, 2013.

A police statement said:
While driving the group to a hotel, an altercation occurred between one of the passengers and the driver of the limousine.

In the course of the altercation, a man struck the limousine driver on the back of the head several times.

The driver stopped the limousine, exited the vehicle and called police. The man who struck him left the scene before police arrived.

After surrendering to police, Justin was charged with one count of assault and is scheduled to appear in court in Toronto on March 10, 2014.

Justin’s lawyer in California, Howard Weitzman said Justin was innocent. He said in a statement released to E! News:
We anticipate that this matter will be treated as a summary offense [in Canada], the equivalent of a misdemeanor in the United States.

Our position is that Mr. Bieber is innocent. As the matter is now before the Court, it would be inappropriate to address the specifics of either the allegation or of our defense at this time.

Justin’s scheduled to appear in court in Toronto on March 10, 2014.

It´s good that he turned himself in instead of the police having to come for him. Things are pretty messed up right now though.

Over 100k Signatures, Will White House Response ‘Deport Justin Bieber’ Petition??

A petition calling for the deportation of Justin Bieber surpassed the 100,000 signature threshold, meaning the White House will, by its own rules, issue a response, reports CNN.

The petition was created less than a week ago by haters and quickly amassed the required signatures long before the 30 day deadline for the “We the People” petition program.
Deport Justin Bieber and revoke his green card.
We the people of the United States feel that we are being wrongly represented in the world of pop culture. We would like to see the dangerous, reckless, destructive, and drug abusing, Justin Bieber deported and his green card revoked. He is not only threatening the safety of our people but he is also a terrible influence on our nations youth. We the people would like to remove Justin Bieber from our society.

As of 9 am. EST Thursday, it had nearly 190,000 signatures.

Will the White House actually look at it?

Via CNN:
State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki was asked about the Bieber deportation issue Wednesday in the daily press briefing. She said the petition program doesn’t necessarily mean action would be taken but it’s rather “an opportunity for the voices of the American people” to be heard.

But the terms of the program, as stated on the White House website, says if a petition meets the 100,000 signature threshold, “it will be reviewed by the administration and we will issue a response.”

Psaki said she would check and see what the criteria was for violating a visa, but noted that individual visa cases are confidential.

The White House has drastically cut back on the number of responses it actually issued in the past year. The Washington Times reports that in the final six months of 2013, only one new petition received a response.

To be honest, I wonder why people are blowing what Justin did out of proportion. I mean, I think we all get that what he did was not at all but things are getting out of hand and I don´t get this deportation BS. Justin is human and he messed up, but so what? It´s nott easy being in the public eye and have all that happen infront of people. How many people drag race and DUI? Way too many! So why is everyone blowing Justin´s case up.

Bieber Facts!!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Chantel Jeffreis Speaks Up! Denies Arrested 5 times!!

The 21-year-old model, who rode shotgun in Justin Bieber’s rented Lamborghini when he was arrested for DUI, released a statement regarding New York Daily News and Daily Mail articles that claimed her rap sheet lists five arrests, including one in February 2011 for misdemeanor assault with a deadly weapon.

Chantel tells E! News in a statement:
I have been overwhelmed by the negative attention I have recently received in the media. My family and I are particularly upset about the false accusations which have been published concerning my criminal history.

For the record, I have not been arrested five times as has been stated in the media, nor am I guilty of physically assaulting anyone, in any way shape or form. I am a full-time student who had enjoyed a normal lifestyle, free from public scrutiny and criticism, until now. What has happened to me is wrong. I want people in general, and the media in particular, to consider the impact their disparaging comments have on the individual; especially when their comments are inaccurate.

She does not deny all of the alleged arrests. According to TMZ, Chantel was arrested when at age 18 for a misdemeanor assault, but the case was later dismissed due to insufficient evidence. Other than that, her lawyer says she’s only had “traffic violations.”

Chantel recently traveled to Panama with Justin after he was released from jail.

She was in talks to appear on NBC’s Today earlier in the week,  that interview fell through and she confirmed via Twitter that it is only her they will be talkin about:
not about Justin, about false allegations against me only.

She was also accused of trying to earn $20,000 for selling her story. She tweeted:
I would never 'sell my story'

It's a hard thing, knowing who to truly trust.

I don´t freakin know what to believe here. First she apparently looks for TV stations to "sell her story" about Justin´s DUI arrest and then she claims that she is only going to talk about herself in the interview. Does she really think that the interviewer will ignore what happened and try to get a scoope of what went down? if she does think that, then she is just playing naive.

Justin Bieber Dancing in ‘Confident’ Video Teaser!!

Justin’s set to drop the video today, Jan 29. Check out “Confident” music video teaser

That is what am talkin about. I love the dancing, so hot!!! I wanna see it immediately. Pure perfection

Report says: "Justin Bieber’s New Gal Chantel Jeffries Tried to Sell Stories for $20,000"!!

Justin Bieber new girl-friend, Chantel Jeffries, has been trying to sell her story for $20,000 — but abruptly pulled out of TV interviews after spending the weekend with Justin in Panama.
Multiple sources tell Page Six that Chantel had reached out to the weekly magazines and to producers of shows including “Good Morning America” “Today” and “Inside Edition” to talk about her night with Justin, which ended in his DUI arrest.

One source said:
She hired an attorney and was negotiating a deal with the weekly magazines and the big TV shows. She wanted $20,000 plus a guaranteed mention of her modeling career.

Another insider tells Page Six:
Chantel was talking to all the networks, but they refused to pay her. Yesterday she abruptly pulled out of all the discussions.
The reason: a romantic weekend with Bieber in Panama.

If this is true and not just a rumors then she is messed up and she should just go her own way and leave Justin alone, or Justin shoudl cut the strings he ha sattache dto her. Those are not the kind of friends you keep around you, especially at this time when Justin is vulnerable.

Justin Bieber Leaving Panama With His Manager Scooter Braun!!

Justin Bieber’s leaving the Central American country, Panama with friends and manager Scooter Braun after a fun time by the beach while still there.

Justin was also snapped rushing through the Panama International Airport surrounded by his entourage. He flashed a smirk while being snapped by photogs and fans in the terminal.

In addition to the travel news, Justin isn’t letting all the negative media attention get him down:
Justin is doing OK right now. He’s with friends and family. That’s what is most important now, being surrounded by family and his closest friends.

Another source tells E! News that mom, Pattie Mallette, is coping the best she can given the recent circumstances.
Pattie is being a mom, putting her son’s best interests first, whatever that means at any time. There are things being said all over, but she is with him when he needs her and will always be there for him. She would never do anything to bring harm to him.

Many people are concerned whether they are Beliebers or not but we have to wait and see what happens next from here.

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Nick Carter: ‘Go Back to Canada Justin, Americans Stick with My Brother, Aaron’!!

Backstreet Boys Nick Carter said that Justin Bieber should go back to Canada and that Americans should stick with his brother Aaron Carter, who is better.

Nick and Aaron were shopping in Malibu when they were approached by TMZ.

Responding to a question about whether there is any comparison between Justin and Aaron – who’s they called the “original Justin Bieber” – Nick said:
Justin Bieber’s cool and all … a whole new generation …. but he’s Canadian. Aaron’s American.

Go back to Canada, Justin. America, stick with my brother.

He cannot be serious. Someone tell me he's just kidding around about the whole "Justin is Canadian and my brother is American so support my brother" BS. So he is bashing Justin for being Canadian, and that people shoudl support hsi brother because he´s from the states? That was a rather silly thing to say, I don´t know and I could actually care less if his brother has talent or not but what he just did was discrimination and he is influencing people too by those naive thoughts but noone will say anything about it.

Travel Company Wants to Help Deport Justin Bieber!!

An online travel booking company is offering Justin Bieber the opportunity to fly to anywhere in the world – for FREE.

In addition to the swift exit offering, the company will continue to pay for his airline tickets around the world as long as he stays out of the U.S. This offer comes as a response to America’s recent pleas for Justin Bieber to tame his crazy antics.
Due to Mr. Bieber’s previous troubles and the report of an alleged DUI and drag racing incident last night, AirFastTickets feels it is in the best interest of the country to offer him the opportunity to leave the U.S. and travel anywhere in the world on our dime once legalities have been cleared.

Once out of the U.S. we are also offering Mr. Bieber a private AirFastTickets travel agent to ensure he is able to quickly and seamlessly travel to anywhere around the world, at any time, just not back to the U.S.

AirFastTickets hopes this opportunity will help Mr. Bieber take a step back and focus on getting back on track. Airfasttickets’s Makis Xentos discusses his company’s offer to fly Justin Bieber anywhere in the world as part of a marketing campaign for his travel website via Bloomberg.

Airfasttickets’s Makis Xentos discusses his company’s offer to fly Justin Bieber anywhere in the world as part of a marketing campaign for his travel website via Bloomberg.

Wow, that is very generous of them, but that offer might be staying as one for a while because Justin isn´t going anywhere yet.

70,000 Haters Have Signed a Petition to Deport Justin Bieber!!

More than 70,000 people have signed a petition and urging the Obama administration to revoke Justin’s US residency status and send him back to his native Canada.

Since Justin’s not an American citizen — and has said he never plans on becoming one — outraged Americans/haters have proposed a solution to just go ahead and deport him.

Here’s what the petition says:
We the people of the United States feel that we are being wrongly represented in the world of pop culture. We would like to see the dangerous, reckless, destructive, and drug abusing, Justin Bieber deported and his green card revoked. He is not only threatening the safety of our people but he is also a terrible influence on our nations youth. We the people would like to remove Justin Bieber from our society.

Accorting to TIME, fortunately one cannot simply deport Justin. Plus, the White House already receives tons of petitions. Justin resides in the US on an O-1 visa, which is reserved for “individuals with an extraordinary ability in the arts or extraordinary achievement in motion picture or television industry.”

According to federal law, only violent crimes and sentences longer than 1 year result in a re-evaluation of visa status:
(g) Criminal activity. A condition of a nonimmigrant’s admission and continued stay in the United States is obedience to all laws of United States jurisdictions which prohibit the commission of crimes of violence and for which a sentence of more than one year imprisonment may be imposed. A nonimmigrant’s conviction in a jurisdiction in the United States for a crime of violence for which a sentence of more than one year imprisonment may be imposed (regardless of whether such sentence is in fact imposed) constitutes a failure to maintain status under section 241(a)(1)(C)(i) of the Act.

So, haters, try not to get your hopes up. How about getting a petition together to put stricter laws out on paparazzi and fake news journalists who publish lies all day long. Cause I’m sure these "70,000" people never have in one way or another, at one moment or a future time screwed up in their lives. Famous or not.  I think the best idols are the ones that makes mistakes. I mean who wants to look up to someone perfect? Isn’t it good to show youth that not everyone is perfect? There are more major issues in the U.S. then what Justin has done. People shoudl start reconsidering their priorities.

Reports Say: "Justin Bieber Is Moving Out of Calabasas Home"!!

Justin Bieber is moving on out of his Calabasas mansion, reports X17 and TMZ.

According to X17, Justin had already made up his mind to ditch his Calabasas home BEFORE he headed to Miami, where he’s arrested for DUI.

X17 photographers spotted moving trucks at Justin’s Calabasas home early last week, hauling his belongings to a new house — before his DUI arrest in Miami!
trucks spotter moving Justin´s stuff to another house
Via TMZ:
Justin Bieber’s now openly talking about listing the house and getting out of the neighborhood.

The timing is interesting … Keyshawn Johnson just sold his nearby estate to Kourtney Kardashian … although we’re told he says it has nothing to do with Bieber.

We don’t know where Justin is thinking of moving, but it seems pretty clear … no more suburban living.

If he really is moving out, I hope the next house is gonna be peaceful and no complaining neighbours and stuff. The Calabasas house has rather uncomfortable memories. it´s time he had a change of home and surrounding, might do him some good.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ex-Housekeeper Worries Drugs Turning Justin Bieber into Zombie, End up like Michael Jackson!!

Justin Bieber‘s former housekeeper says Justin will “become the next Michael Jackson” if he isn’t careful.

Tatiana Voziouk has claimed Justin’s drug use is making him into a “zombie”, and she is constantly “terrified” he will end up dead, like Michael Jackson who overdosed and passed away in 2009.

Ex-housekeeper told the Sunday People newspaper:
The drugs and hangers-on are turning Justin into a zombie. I’m terrified he’ll become the next Michael Jackson. If he doesn’t act now I will hear one day that he has passed away.

It is heartbreaking. I have decided to speak out now as I care for him.

Usually celebs like their drinks thrown away if they leave them out as they are scared of being poisoned. I was told not to touch those bottles. And I wasn’t allowed to throw them away.

I never saw him drink from those bottles but Justin did ask me a couple of times where I had put them.

I didn’t see exactly if they were mixing them together and making cocktails but I thought it looked suspicious they were next to each other.

The medical marijuana company would regularly deliver.

They give users marijuana in the form of ­cookies, lollipops and candies. These products were always in the house.

I was always picking up joint butts and stubs from the kitchen, lounge and pool area where they had been thrown.

Justin was once a sweetheart, kind, ­considerate and a talented boy and I am concerned for him. He is now a lost boy.

We lost Elvis Presley ­ because he was over-working and taking pills. He was over 40 years old.

Michael Jackson began taking drugs when he was in his 20s. Justin Bieber is not even 20 and what is happening to him is so sad.

Tatiana claims to have witnessed astonishing scenes during her 12 months with Justin. She says that last spring she saw Justin stagger downstairs to meet friends on a waiting bus following a row with his ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez. Tatiana says:
It was midnight. When I saw him I was shocked, he was like a zombie. He had a glazed, vacant look and appeared to be totally oblivious.

He usually smiled at me but he was very pale, frail and looked sick.

He got on the bus and then Lil Za screamed at me, ‘Call him.’ Now I couldn’t just call my boss, so I walked to the bus to say that Za is asking for him. Justin staggered back to the house, and I watched as I was so worried.

He walked into the kitchen and there was Za who had a white pill in his hand which he pushed into Justin’s mouth.

Justin didn’t even react and then he and Za walked back on to the bus. I never asked him what it was, and I didn’t know what it was.

Tatiana says huge mansion had become a party den. Girls would surround him while he was in what Tatiana claims was his zombie state:
Once he had to be held up by a friend as he came down from his bedroom to go to his outside pool.

He could barely talk and appeared totally zoned out. Later, when I asked if he was OK, he tried to answer, but struggled. He replied “When they do drugs they act strange.”

He then blankly looked at me. I couldn’t control myself and stood there crying. I am terrified about what is ­happening to Justin.

I don’t know if they are putting stuff in his food or feeding him drugs. But he is in a dangerous place.

Last spring Lil Za and Lil Twist moved into Justin’s home without consulting anyone. They would be constantly joined by other large groups. Tatiana tried to ask Justin’s mom Pattie Mallette and manager Scooter Braun to help but failed to get through.
He seemed to be surrounded by friends but may not know who his true friends really are.

His credit card was often missing for days, and then would re-appear.

He never seemed to check the statements. His mail would often be thrown into the trash by other people.

One day I walked in and there was a huge bag of cash on a table, around $50,000. No one explained where it came from and it was soon gone. Justin is a victim of all these people who are around him. I feel sorry for him.

Tatiana no longer works for Justin. Represented by Beverly Hills lawyer Larry Ring, she says she was FIRED but Justin’s camp deny this.

Despite this, she has very fond memories of her 12 months working for Justin.
He was very friendly, very creative, always creating music and poetry. Justin should remember he was born with a special talent. He needs to learn ­lessons from what is ­going on in his life now before it is too late.

I just wanna burst out in tears.... It would kill me if I woke up one morning, and it was on the news that Justin Bieber was dead. I think fans and Beliebers should get it trending on twitter for Justin to go to rehab before its too late.