Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sydney, Australia M&G!! (Day 2)

Justin and his Beliebers at the Sydney, Australia M&G, November 30th.

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@justinbieber: Kalfani
Another picture of Justin from the Hollywood Reporter photoshoot (check out the interview too).

@mikeyarana: Guess who… #legendary
@pnilsson84: Caramel writing #guesswho #itsallfunandgames #dontbescared #orangegymratsgang

Justin Bieber Announces New Song "Change Me"!!

@justinbieber: Change Me this sunday at midnight. #musicmondays
So far, the songs we´ve heard are about Selena, from their break up to their reunioun and then the break up again. Don´t know what "Change Me" will bring but as always am excited to here it on Monday. The #MusicMondays have been fantastic so far and it´s sad that it´s two more songs to go.
@justinbieber: Are you ready?

Justin´s Got Himself Some New Ink Of "An Eagle Flying"!!

Justin is getting a new tattoo in Sydney, Australia! He shared a selfie with fans after his Believe concert show.
@justinbieber: Just got off stage bout to get tatted
Later on poster a hot pic of the tattooing in progress, finishing up on his the sleeve of tattoos on his right arm.

And here we go! It looks like an Eagle flying through the clouds.
@justinbieber: Fresh new tat

@justinbieber: Eagle
@justinbieber: Yep

I wouldn´t like to see him covered in tattoos and all but these tattoos mean something to him. Donno what this symbolizes for him but an eagle is a magestic bird, and clouds are a distraction so maybe he views himself as an eagle and all the BS and distractions from what he is really here for. I think he has enough tattoos. But that is just my thoughts, what do you guys think about his new ink? Do you like it or not?

Biebervideogram!! (Justin greeting Aussie Beliebers)

@justinbieber: Hold Tight @justinbieber: Another angle #sydney

@pnilsson84: Belieber love #sydney #orangegymratsgang #dontbescared


4th Belieber fan package!! (Believe Promotional Posters)

Pictures unlocked from the 4th fan package on the Believe movie’s official website.

You can use these promotional pics to advertise the Believe Movie that is comng out this Christmas December 25th.

Bieber Facts!!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Russell Crowe Defends Justin Bieber Over Graffiti Controversy in Australia!!

Justin hit headlines in Australia this week when he was caught spray-painting a wall in the grounds of the hotel where he was staying on the Gold Coast.

The local mayor, Tom Tate, was furious with Justin and publicly ordered him to clean up his mess or choose to sing a Christmas Choral for an hour.

However, New Zealand actor Russel Crowe, who is based in Australia, insists he likes seeing Justin’s graffiti artwork and backed him in a post on, writing:
I like Bieber’s tagging. Tag on little brother. Tag the world.

Justin previously found himself in trouble with the law over his ‘tagging’ during his South American tour after he was accused of spraying an abandoned hotel building in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The hotel he was staying at was very chill with the grafitti and even defended Justin, stating that he had asked for permission and that they wanted to encourage more grafitti from artists who come to visit them.

Hotel Bosses in Australia Defend Justin Bieber Over Grafitti Scandal: "He asked, and we said YES"!!

The hotel Justin was staying at is declaring itself a graffiti Belieber, despite being at odds with the city government. QT Hotel in the Gold Coast said it gave Justin Bieber permission to spray graffiti on its wall. Jjustin and some and others posted images online showing cartoon faces in fluorescent paint on an outdoor wall at the hotel in Queensland state.

After hearing criticism, the hotel changed its Facebook page cover art Thursday to show Bieber, his graffiti and the declaration:
He asked, and we said YES.

The Gold Coast mayor Tom Tate says Justin risked undermining the city's efforts to fight graffiti and ordered him to removed what it or to come back and sing a Christmas Choral for an hour.

In a letter to the hotel, Tate asserted the city can insist on removal of graffiti in private spaces if it's visible from public spaces.

But in further posts on its Facebook page, QT Hotel defended Bieber as an excellent hotel guest and said it wanted to promote graffiti as an art form. It invited artists to share examples of their work to be judged, with select artists being offered a hotel wall they could spray-paint themselves.

Well, there you go Mr. Mayor Tate, the hotel wanted Justin to have the grafitti on their wall, he asked for permission and they gave it to him. The hotel being the owners of the building I would like to think that they have all the permission they want to allow whatever they want in their property. They want to promote grafitti as an art and I mean, which artist wouldn´t want to go to such a hotel and leave something that will last?

Sydney, Australia M&G!!

Justin and his Beliebers at the Sydney, Australia Meet and Greet, November 29th.

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Biebergram & Biebervideogram!! (#FilmFriday: Justin Talks About Beliebers)

@justinbieber: Lemme see your funny face

@justinbieber: Funny face on the way to my show in Sydney…

@justinbieber: ♛

@dankanter: Sometimes I need some help finger tapping. How about that@eddievanhalen??? #80sguitargeekery

#BelieveMovie - #BeAlright, Justin shares the his intimate moment being when he flies over his Beliebers and gets to see each one them, jumping and screaming.
it is friday in sydney so it is . there is nothing like the intimate moments with the fans

 Justin arriving at Allphones Arena in Sydney, Australia, November 29th.

Bieber Facts!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Biebergram and Biebervideogram!!

@alfredoflores: Gala

Justin’s song ‘I Would’ is featured in the “Songs for the Philippines” album, found on iTunes. The proceeds will go to the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines. Buy it here to help those in need!

 @justinbieber: @justinbieber: #allthatmatters music video preview

Biebergram!! (Justin & Crew Celebrating ThanksGiving)

Justin and his crew celebrating Thanksgiving with lots and lots of lovely and delicious loking food, November 28th.

@alfredoflores: Really wishing we could of imported some grandmas out here but this plate isn’t bad for being in Australia. Happy Thanksgiving and always remember, no prayer can be better than the prayer of giving sincere thanks and praises to God.

@carlenabritch: I have so much to be thankful for this year; many experiences, lessons, & travels that continue to help shape who I am. It’s tough being away from home; missing friends, family & loved ones. However, this family right here is one I am so thankful for. Each person holds such a special place in my heart. Our memories made, moments shared, & the acceptance & love we’ve built together is irreplaceable. This Thanksgiving, I am grateful for my team..those who I’ve spent every day with for well over 1.5 years. I love you guys so much; thank you for accepting & loving me unconditionally. I’m so blessed to be able to spend today with each & every one of you. Happy Thanksgiving!

@desertdebs: Happy Thanksgiving ! ✌️

I hope all of you have an amazing Thanksgiving.

Australian Mayor Tom Tate Asks Justin Bieber To Clean Up Hotel Graffiti!!

Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate wants Justin Bieber to remove the graffiti street-art he has left on the wall of a hotel in the south-east Queensland city, Australia.

According to the Guardian, The Gold Coast City Council is ordering the hotel to paint over a prized piece of graffiti by Justin. News of the order came minutes after the QT Hotel gushed about Justin’s decision to paint one of its walls when he stayed there earlier this week.

The hotel said:
Justin Bieber paint a piece of art in appreciation of his stay. This piece of art is now available to be viewed by fans of the artist and we believe that it is a wonderful addition to the colourful Gold Coast arts scene.

Justin Bieber Graffiti Australia Hotel

But it won’t be for long. Mayor Tom Tate says the council will be ordering the hotel to get rid of the graffiti Justin and his entourage painted on an external wall.

A council spokesman told AAP:
It might be on private land but it’s in prominent public view. The mayor will be contacting our compliance officers today to have a notice issued to the hotel to clean it up.

Earlier, the mayor said Justin should return to clean up his mess. He even suggested Justin should perform free at an upcoming Christmas carols event to show the community he’s truly sorry.

Mayor Tom Tait said:
The last thing we want is to have graffiti glorified and more young people thinking its a cool thing to do.

I know he’s got beautiful eyes. I’ve got some goggles for him, and some gloves because I know he doesn’t want to get his hands dirty.

Just come and clean it up and we’ll be happy with you. Alternatively come and sing at our mayoral Christmas carols on the 7th of December for an hour and I’ll let you go.

He’s admitted to it. He’s gone onto his Twitter site and uploaded the shots. It’s disrespectful to be doing graffiti, but to boast about it on social media is just taking it to another level.

I knew this was going to create some drama. Justin should probably go and sing a christmas carol ;)

Australian Fans Hunting Justin Bieber!!

Aussie Beliebers from Australia continue to hunt for Justin Bieber on the Gold Coast after he spent the night partying in a Surfers Paradise penthouse.

According to CourierMail, beliebers have been staking out the QT Hotel all morning and say they won’t stop until they see him. One fan said:
We were at Versace waiting last night until about 8.30pm and then this morning at 5.30 we got up and caught the train from Upper Coomera to Nerang and then the bus into Surfers. Then we walked to Versace and they told us he was staying at QT so we caught a bus here.

Represent! Hard core Beliebers. Gotta love them. ;)

Bieber Facts!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Brisbane, Australia M&G!! (Day 2)

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Justin and his Beliebers on the second day at the Brisbane, Australia Meet and Greet, November 27th.

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Brisbane, Australia M&G!!

Justin and his Beliebers at the Brisbane, Australia Meet and Greet, November 26th.

Justin Performs In Brisbane, Australia!!

Justin performing in Brisbane, Australia, November 27th.



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Biebergram!! (Justin with fans at the airport)

Justin taking pics with fans at the airport before he left, November 27th.

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Biebergram!! (More Of Justin @ The Wategos Beach in Byron Bay, Australia)

Justin Bieber photographed showing off his amazing abs whilst taking surfing lessons in Australia. He does the "sag" to show off his Ralph Lauren underpants and his buff body then takes to the waves at the famous Wategos Beach in Byron Bay, Australia.

Justin stripped off for his first session learning to surf with an instructor.
@justinbieber: I´m a turnt

But unfortunately he was a bit of a novice and didn’t manage to stand up for long. Never-the-less, he and instructors high-fived his achievement.
@justinbieber: Great time
Justin and his crew headed to the celeb-friendly seaside town on Wednesday morning after he performed the first of his Aussie Believe concerts in Brisbane the night before. They headed south from their hotel at Surfers Paradise and drove to the beach in sun-kissed Byron Bay.

Check out more pics of Justin at the Wategos Beach in Byron Bay, Australia.

Justin Bieber Steamy Kiss With A Girl In The "All That Matters" Music Video Trailer!!

Justin Bieber lowers the lights and goes in for a kiss in the steamy video for "All That Matters" the second release in his #MusicMondays series, which you should not forget to request on the radio.

Justin makes out with his sexy girl in the clip, which was shot earlier this month in L.A. The full video will premiere on Monday December 2 on VEVO at 7:30pm EST, while his Believe movie hits theaters on Christmas Day.

Damn! That trailer is hot.
Justin during and when leaving the All That Matters set.

Biebergram!! (Justin Grafitti Spray Painting In Brisbane, Australia)

I get that this is his new thing, that he loves it and feels the need to do it everywhere he goes but to be honest, he isn´t much of a spray paint artist, I aint digging the art, just saying. I hoep he doesn´t get into trouble because of this.

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Biebergram!! (Justin @ The Wategos Beach in Byron Bay, Australia)

Justin taking a dive and surfing at the  Wategos Beach in Byron Bay, Australia, November 27th.

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