18 year old Robin Varrecas who as many beliebers know him as Justin´s look alike has decided to speak out. Many beliebers have accused or at most stated that it was him in the "weed" smoking pics that were floating in the internet and not Justin.
he took to twitter and even though he wrote this, he actually doesn´t believe either that it was justin in the pics.
"the guy on that weed picture ISN`T me!! I swear! @justinbieber please tell them the truth."
"i´m a belieber! so if it was me..why would i do this ti justin? THINK!!?? i don´t smoke."
"it´s not justin, THE PIC IS FAKE!"
It was and is still hard for me and many other beliebers out there to believe that Justin was smoking pot but thats life, you must prepare for the best but expect something different.I honestly don´t know what to think ro believe anymore but whatever it is, i don´t care so much anymore.
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