these pics were posted on the internet but no one can be sure it´s really JB. i mean people do crazy stuff but am really positive that this is not him, maybe an impersonator.. there are many celebrity impersonators in the world. the only thing we have is half the body with no head and tattoos that look like Justins, so that is no definate proof that it´s him..the pics may be fake for all we know.
does any of you see the difference? if not, the one to the left is JB and the one to the right is a guy that looks exactly like justin, Robin Verrecas!!
if Justin was worried that he had such kind of thing on his laptop, he would have had the police arest this fool along time ago. the fool has nothing on Justin, thats why he is playing mind games to get Justin to do whatever he wants. Justin´s spokesman says that "it´s not him in the pics"
for all the beliebers out there, stay strong and don´t pay attention to the dumass fool. he is just like Maria, trying to rub Justin´s name in the mud to destroy him but his plans won´t work!
if you love and respect Justin, do him this favour, please don´t encourage this crazy guy by watchiing or reading anything that he posts.
even if this is Justin, I don´t care, am a belieber nomatter what!!
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